pick up this meme faith with which I agree fully, very good idea dear! Be 'does not need me to tell you how much I love animals! It is instructive to say a meme, because it gives helpful hints on what to do when you find a lost dog.
Rules: 1
Indicate what to do if a dog is abandoned Call 112 or the brigade of the town of competence.
Indicate what to do if a dog is abandoned Call 112 or the brigade of the town of competence.
3 Put an image against cruelty to animals (you can choose whether to return the one already proposed by those who've had the past or you choose another one: the campaigns against the abandonment there ...)
4 usual rules of a meme: the state who've spent at least three people and show that launches this message!
5 If you want you can write something in relation to their animals put photos, etc. .. off to the imagination!
So what about my tiny creatures? I have 3 cats which you can picture the see here on the blog, a cat who gives his name to my space Teddymorsicchio, Pitino and their mother Zampina.
Teddy is a very sweet cat who often shows his affection through his bad habit of chewing (hence the name as you know by now!) And loves to belly up to get her tummy tickled. Pitino has beautiful green eyes and a cat who gets scared easily, needs affection and often when they hear suspicious noises, slips under my arm and hides her head for protection .. he is very tender. The cat. Paw, is a pretty little dog. Though it is not shown by his younger years, has a nice nose and a nice shiny coat multicolored type sottoboscco. In the morning, running around outside and chase butterflies, or is super fast jump on the trees to demonstrate his skills to my mom, because my mom waits for the note and again led the mice in the gift (my mother did not appreciate). I've had lots of cats ever since I exist, I do not even list them all: the stock starts with a cat that was donated by a relative, and then I called the TV Schipp like a kangaroo! was colorful, too. Since then there have been lots of kittens, some died prematurely because of the cars that go fast in my part ... I always remember a red kitten, who affectionately called Mucchino for its color chiazzette, who died from his nose to escape to an idiot who was too fast to make the curve normally .. Many of my cats in the past I have called them the Smurfs, I always had an orange cat in the family of cats. Above all, I always lacked legs, a black big cat disappeared and we found more. It was wonderful, was special. Appeared to be human in his attitudes. When I sang purred and wanted to continue, it just showed! and then it was a gentlecat say ... it was always eat before the cat and her cub, which they were beautiful together! I suffered a lot not to see him again. As a child I had a tradition for the cats that we could not find and bury, I laid next to a pine tree planting and fresh flowers, e pregavo convinta che in fondo un paradiso c'era anche per loro e sperando che sapessero che mai io li avrei dimenticati. Oggi sono cresciuta ma nel mio cuore li porterò sempre perché una bestiola è qualcosa di unico sempre nella vita di una persona, quello che ci danno loro nessuno ce lo saprà dare così gratuitamente. Dovrebbero tenerlo a mente le persone che prendono e buttano via gli animali come dei vecchi giocattoli!
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