Period no, definitely. To you has ever heard a person in love but never understand it through? As if they would put bans or anything like that. But most of all I wonder, when you feel uncomfortable with someone like you behave? perhaps people's attitudes are different, it can be. But I though I feel uncomfortable or be quiet or I tend to say many stupid things without any real sense. If a person tells you things like - I thought this looks to surprise you ...- and it has really thought about it and it's all happy to do this if you continue to talk with all the serenity of this world. If you ever spoke of intimate and personal things do you think this person considers you a friend or a stranger? I believe the second. I would not say personal things to a certain level to a mere acquaintance. And you judge that person feels uncomfortable with you? a person who shares the things he does, his passions, the deeper things of his past too painful? must be 'that people are strange but I do all of these attitudes can be traced back to a person who feels uncomfortable. You as disagio.Così you behave when you are in? I ask because maybe I'm out of this world, but I keep them with certain attitudes friend who judge, not in general ...
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