Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hawaiian Translation Phrases

Eh sì mi sono data alle torte di sti tempi..ieri era il compli della mia mamma e dunque ho pensato di realizzare una torta che solitamente è tipica della festa della donna: la torta mimosa. Se ne trovano diverse varianti e io ovviamente mi sono complicata la vita; infatti si potrebbe anche ricavare, in alternativa a quanto vi propongo qui sotto, preparando il pan di spagna, tagliandone un disco sopra e poi ricavando un incavo togliendo parte del contenuto così da potervi versare dentro la crema e poi rimettere the "cover" instead soaked pineapple juice and liqueur if you like. Here's my preparation:

For the sponge: usual I have used 3 eggs, working in part with an electric mixer on one side the egg whites (whites) and the other the yolks, using each of the two halves of the total sugar processing, in my case about 150 gr. I combined the two in a cream, stirring well I added about 300 grams of 00 flour, being careful to avoid lumps, add a little 'milk if the mixture is too hard. Add the prepared baking powder and grated lemon peel. (For other warnings given un'occhiata al P. di spagna fatto nella torta di mele tra le ricette). Cuocere a forno preriscaldato a 180 gradi il preparato in una teglia prima imburrata; il tutto per circa mezz'ora, 40 minuti. Quando mettendo lo stecchino nella pasta questo non si sporcherà ma uscirà pulito e la superficie è bella dorata è pronto.

Per la crema pasticcera: usare 4 tuorli di uova belle fresche ( usate gli albumi per altre preparazioni .. un'idea? le lingue di gatto), 100 gr o poco meno di zucchero, 1/2 litro di latte, circa 50 gr di farina ma in realtà dipende da come si vuole ottenere densa la crema, scorze di limone. Io per rendere il preparato more dense in all the creams also use only two teaspoons of cornstarch that is also adapted for the jams.

Cook milk in a saucepan with the lemon peel and cut inside being careful not to go beyond the white part of lemon juice, cook until boiling, then leave aside to cool (put away after the peel of lemon who have released their taste).

Work separately with the whisk the egg yolks with the sugar already in it and put a little 'flour, Mix well so that is already creamy. Meanwhile, the milk is cold.

creams is imporant to work slowly and never to bring to a boil! so you might work in a water bath. Put the egg mixture into the saucepan of milk and continue stirring. By Put on a pot with water that is big enough to hold your pot with the cream, do not put so much water because otherwise when you put the pot will come out. Put the gas on low flame, place the pan inside this bowl (in fact it is said to bake in a bain marie, why not cook your directly composed of cream, but the heat is transferred more slowly and evenly through the water ). Always mix the cream into the saucepan and slowly add a little 'flour and cornstarch (again, do not overdo it anyway). For a long time but everything will be liquid at some point, when the water begins to increase in temperature, become increasingly thick cream, stir in a robust way too good and continue tapping the bottom of the pan. Be careful not to boil the cream, if you mention to make bubbles, turn off the gas. Once the cream we put it aside to cool, why does not form lumps or rough skin surface, while it is still in cooking you can use the whisk occasionally. Once prepared but it is better to immerse the pot in a container, but this time with cold water and occasionally write a mescolatina.

Meanwhile, whip the whipping cream you've bought (I got one of those square pacchiettini Oplà cream cake). Fitted with the whisk. Once cool enough the custard combined with whipped cream and voila the famous chantilly cream is ready.

In the meantime, take a container, usually called the boule for their round shape. But to be honest maybe a glass or plastic container deep enough or because no certain large and rounded bowls that are around. Line the inside and edges with aluminum foil cooking, cut the sponge cake into slices and cover first prepared in this way, the bottom and the edges because this will be the "container" of the cream. To make the container more uniform you can work on adding all of the syrup of pineapple in the practices of those selling cans pineapple slices. I also soaked with liquor Alchermes, the pinkish which is used for the trifle.

Put in, once you feel the container compact enough sponge cake, whipped cream to which I first joined the pineapple slices into small pieces which I told you. Keep aside a portion of cream that will be used to cover the cake later. By holding a disc of cake to close the bottom of your cake, which always soaked with pineapple broth and liqueur if you like, but without breaking too much. Keep aside a certain amount of crumbled sponge cake, maybe the inside which is nice in yellow sponge cake, crumbled This part roughly in squares or dots will be our flowers decorare.Dopo have just closed on the bottom of the now filled with cream pie, try to make things as stable as possible by pressing a little 'fingers, etc. ..

Leave the cake in the fridge, I have also put in the freezer first for over an hour and then I went to the fridge. Take a nice serving dish and flipped off the container as when making molds. Be careful, because it all comes off well, you should gently wipe the blade of a knife around the edges. Thanks to foil the bottom you will not be attacked and flipping you will find a beautiful mold of sponge cake, a kind of big zuccotto. Take the custard advanced earlier with a spatula or the blade of a knife, spread the cream over and the edges of the cake evenly. Now take the part of Fr cake and crumbled into small pieces and place on and around the edges, pressing lightly with your hands so that it adheres to the cream spread and get a true mimosa; To improve the effect that use icing sugar through a sieve or strainer will do a little falling over the cake and possibly the sides.

Council to leave it in the fridge when not eaten yet, when you cut the slices is easy to loose a little 'cream because in this way is filled with cream. If you however as I said above, that is derived from the same sponge cake container, there'll be a bit 'less cream but it is easier to manage in terms of stability and the risk of implosion pressure cream! However, as taste is really good! but you have to take a lot 'of time!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Online Games Where You Can Get Pregnant

mimosa cake cake flavored soft apple cinnamon

Today I carry a recipe for a cake I made some time ago, it is an apple cake made with sponge cake, made with a marmellatina apples and add some 'jam I had at home of blueberries and a bit' of cinnamon but ... go into detail ...

For the sponge: I usually use about 300 g OO flour, three eggs, about 150 grams of sugar, a little 'vanilla extract, baking powder and sachet of grated lemon and a bit 'of milk.

First you need to make a nice soft sponge cake, which is why the secret is to work along the way incorporating the ingredients as possible air bubbles, quelle che cuocendo andranno a rendere soffice l'impasto. Quindi separare in due recipienti da una parte i tuorli e dall'altra gli albumi, in ognuna delle due ciotole mettere parte dello zucchero a disposizione. A questo punto per montare entrambi gli ingredienti nelle ciotole uso lo sbattitore elettrico che permette di fare più velocemente e meglio l'operazione. Lavorare i tuorli fino a che risulti un composto cremoso; soprattuto lavorare nell'altro contenitore gli albumi a neve, fino a che risulti un composto bello spumoso. Mettete insieme i due composti e girate il tutto bene. Poi pian piano mettete la farina, se potete mettetela facendola cadere poco alla volta magari anche con un setaccio da farina e mentre fate questo mescolate affinché non si formino grumi. You could also add the melted butter in the dough but I tried without and it is fine. Put the vanilla, the baking powder and grated lemon zest, and add a bit while you work 'of fresh milk in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture, neither hard nor too runny. The right and when you pour it slowly fall within the pan just like a cream, a "thread" we say. I have already cut the dough into small pieces of apple but not too much not to weigh the sponge cake pieces and not too large. After it floured and buttered the pan (it should also create a layer on the baking sheet on the edges so that the cake does not stick, and removing the excess flour .. or use baking paper) pour in the mixture. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees around and left for a bit 'more than half an hour. Will be ready when the surface is golden and well cooked the litmus test is when you stick a stick and pulling it out this will be clean. Let it cool and try to cut in two in sponge cake, be careful, maybe use a long knife. Take one of the two parties and if you moisten with a liqueur or leave it as I did. Meanwhile, peel apples and cut into pieces, put them in a saucepan with a little 'sugar and enough water. Put us if you have even a bit 'of blackberry jam together, and you need to add a bit' of cornstarch to thicken then do it all. Stir over low heat and all, when the apples are already a bit 'untrimmed by cooking, mix all and put to cook. Add a little 'of cinnamon, you should put a little' taste and because I think too much instead of helping it taste worse, must have a taste similar to what you get in the famous apple strudel classic Trentino. Continuing to mix at some point you will notice that the whole becomes increasingly dense due to corn starch results in a sort of jam. At this point lies well marmellatina disk of sponge cake and cover with the other half. I put on other apple slices without blanching with water before cooking them for already a bit 'and I arranged like the petals of a flower on a more concentric circles. Then I prepared a little 'honey diluted with a little' in the water, I brushed both the decoration of apples throughout the cake with this honey-like liquid. I put a little 'in the oven so that they dry out a bit' and everything was soaked, including over apples, honey. At this point you cool and good appetite! cake is a pretty simple but I find that the match apple cinnamon strudel type gives an excellent flavor to the cake, and this ingredient, if properly dosed can be even better combined with other desserts (eg try a pinch of cinnamon in the panna cotta )
ps: the photo is not mine because I did not do photos, I put this because it is very similar in appearance to that which I had come out!

Monday, March 16, 2009

How Much Is The Wethepeople Zodiac Cost

I'm back on these screens!

Here I am, for some 'time eh? even though you know that I often found online, but maybe even for a moment on facebook. Oh yes for a change usually surrounded by books. However, I am here and I will be present but not always, I hope to be a bit 'more recent period. In the meantime I have left in the cold last winter and will soon be spring already. Whew! I really hate the bitter cold, especially with the humidity, do not you? be 'then a nice big kiss to all my friends !!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do Head Gasket Sealers Work





Technical Regulations


The Responsible Care's purpose is the expectation of service management and maintenance of civil works, water and sanitation facilities, mechanical, electrical, and special technology in general (hereinafter briefly referred to as "Service") dellHotel installed inside.
E 'intention e determinazione dell’Hotel denominato affidare il “Servizio” al Direttore dei servizi tecnici Andrea Aguanno che e’in possesso dei necessari requisiti previsti dalle vigenti Leggi/Norme in materia, con un contratto di durata triennale e con formula “semitotale”, in modo da assecondare nuovi obiettivi di metodo gestionale tesi:
· ad adeguare la gestione a moderne tecniche di management;
· ad utilizzare nuovi strumenti (ad es. strumenti o tool informatici gestionali) che permettano la conoscenza precisa e puntuale della consistenza impiantistica, la loro corretta manutenzione e garantiscano, nel contempo, l’evidenza e la trasparenza delle attività svolte e dei costi sostenuti;
· To adopt appropriate forms of execution of operational activities, both planned and corrective maintenance, making it possible to streamline and simplify administrative processes, reduce structural costs and administrative burdens, which generally and currently imposed on these types of "services";
· to reduce the likelihood of failure or degradation of the operation of various components:
· to implement strategies to maintain the highest level of performance of the facilities and retain the best value of its assets over time.

The "Service" includes all activities and operations relating to the management of the hotel, exercise, run both routine and scheduled maintenance (preventive) or to failure (corrective) of plant equipment and civil works are summarized below: §
electrical systems, including MV / LV;
§ Central heating / cooling heat pump for production hot water and chilled;
§ air handling units for air conditioning and ventilation of the rooms;
§ 'distribution networks of the central heat transfer fluids, and building substations;
§ Networks supply and extraction of building air (channels, jets, anemostats, grills, extractors); §
terminal equipment for the air-conditioned building (fancoils and radiators);
§ Centralized and local automatic control of temperature and humidity;
§ Water supply and sanitary load (from the point of delivery of the Distributor) and unloading (up to the wells dell'anellodel purifier) including water supply primary and secondary supply, equipment providers and users of the central lift / pressurized water
§ Wastewater lifting plants (black and white); §
civil and structural elements relevant to the Central and Local heating / cooling technicians;
§ Structured cabling (including active equipment);
§ CCTV, public address, video and simultaneous translation (Conference);
§ burglar alarms, fire detection and alarm;
§ Civil works such as masonry, plaster, paint, windows, floors, walls, roofs, etc.
§ Works in iron.

The Responsible Care, as provided by law, will assume the role of "third party pursuant to Presidential Decree 412/93, as amended by Presidential Decree 551/99.
are excluded from the service maintenance, extensions, amendments and any regulatory changes.


The "service" in this "Technical Regulations" shall be subject to full compliance in a more restrictive interpretation of the term, all the legislative and regulatory framework governing the sector and plumbing maintenance and protection of the safety of persons and property. The following are the principal rules and laws of interest:

· DPR 547 of 27 April 1955
· Read 615 13 luglio1966
· DCPM 8 March 2002
· Legislative Decree no. 626 of September 19, 1994
· D . Decree Law 494 of August 14, 1996
· Legislative Decree no. 528 of 19 November 1999
· Read 46, March 5, 1990
· DPR 447 of 6 December 1991
· Read 10 of the January 9, 1991
· DPR 412 of 28 August 1993
· DPR 551 of 21 December 1999
· Presidential Decree 577 of July 29, 1982
· Presidential Decree 37 of January 12, 1998
· Presidential Decree 459 of July 24, 1996 (Machinery Directive)
· Presidential Decree 462 of October 22, 2001
· CEI 64-8
· CEI EN 50110 -1 (CEI 11-48): Operation of electrical installations
· CEI 11-27: Execution of work on electrical systems at a rated voltage not exceeding 1000 V AC and 1500 DC
· Help CEI 0-3
· UNI EN 50100
· UNI 8364 UNI 9910: Terminology on reliability and quality of service
· UNI10144: Classification of maintenance services
· UNI10145: Definizione dei fattori di valutazione delle imprese fornitrici di servizi di manutenzione
· UNI10146: Criteri per la formulazione di un contratto per la fornitura di servizi finalizzati alla manutenzione
· UNI 10148: Manutenzione: gestione di un contratto di manutenzione
· UNI 10224: Manutenzione: principi fondamentali della funzione manutenzione
· UNI 10147: Manutenzione: terminologia
· UNI 10366: Manutenzione: criteri di progettazione della manutenzione
· UNI10388: Manutenzione: indici di manutenzione
· UNI10449: Manutenzione: criteri per la formulazione e gestione del permesso di lavoro
· UNI 10685: Manutenzione: global service di manutenzione

is understood to be complied with all other regulations and laws at the date of execution of the service, although not expressly mentioned in the list above.


shall consist of actions and controls necessary to ensure the correct use, safety and
the smooth operation of systems through the supervision of professionals with specific technical skills and adequate professional experience.
The aim is to enable the maintenance over time of technical performance and safety originating of the plant and at the same time, to verify compliance with complex regulatory and legislative framework evolving, all aimed at ensuring maximum reliability and business continuity facilities.
Another important aspect is the involvement of staff in the conduct maintenance activities, a fact that helps him get used to "coexist" with the installations, to appreciate the state of "health" and to take over in due time, these weak signals that usually precede fault situations.
As an example we quote the seasonal start-up operations, system development, operation and set-aside of heating systems and conditions, which represent the best opportunities for a thorough "test of use." Therefore, for this purpose, it is essential to establish a garrison for the surveillance equipment consisting of at least one business unit, specialized and versatile, this place in the days and hours of operation of the plant.

activity conduction provides, moreover, through the fulfillment of a number of provisions that periodic operational techniques not included in the plan of routine maintenance program, allowing to operate with greater effectiveness, efficiency and safety.
These provisions governing the enforcement of regular operations aimed at:
§ auditory and visual inspection and recording of main operation data measured; §
performance tests and performance;
§ cleaning of the technical elements installed;
§ cleaning of equipment rooms that house the plants.
3.4. Scheduled preventive maintenance
The scheduled preventive maintenance includes activities designed to: §
contain and prevent the degradation due to a normal and proper use of the system, to ensure that safety features, reliability, functionality and performance are resolved in accordance with the natural curve of aging by the manufacturer, §
report signs of deterioration and / or incipient defects and abnormalities, §
prevent critical phenomena and / or irreversible and limit the number of accidental failures. All items
plant must have and retain the characteristics of efficiency, functionality and reliability recognized at the time of taking delivery of the equipment, the activity is oriented to the preservation of the status quo with planned and targeted preventive interventions.
Where the Director of Technical Services maintenance can not be identified with the equipment manufacturer, taking delivery of systems and equipment, at the time the contract must be formalized by an appropriate document signed by the Parties (Record of taking delivery) for each technical element belonging to the purchaser, a summary of the status of fact and, above all, highlights any critical (due to obsolescence, improper installation, operation in environmental conditions and / or function not provided by the manufacturer), which can create anomalies and failures.

Speaking to preventive maintenance program, the Director of Technical Services performs any action under the plan, which, for some elements and equipment of particular value, replicate the "Service Manual" provided by the manufacturer (see, eg, heat generators, water chillers, etc.)..

Plan (scheduled maintenance), elaborated on the basis:
· of data provided by manufacturers of machinery and equipment,
· on the composition of the plants,
· assessments based on the experience of well-established and incorporated in the Standards and from the literature on the subject,
collects maintenance schedules of all the technical elements and plant dll'Hotel Villa and its outbuildings.
in the Plan are listed in detail how to perform this type of maintenance, highlighting the technical operations related to the time axis, so that the document constitutes the operational level functions of planning, monitoring and documentation of activities.
To run properly and successfully scheduled preventive maintenance, maintenance technician has the necessary background material, dubbed "consumer products", including detergents, tools, equipment and spare parts of small entities whose periodic replacement is envisaged and, as that, inserted in the maintenance plan.


Routine maintenance consists of corrective intervention, activated on demand (by anyone who finds the anomaly) or during the scheduled preventive maintenance, as determined by the actual or incipient failure. These operations are not programmable, however, are essential for the proper functionality since they are intended to ensure the elimination of failures and anomalies.
The first level of intervention will be conducted by technical personnel normally present at plants and is designed to diagnose the problem and its solution, temporary or permanent. This, of course, only if the anomaly relates to the technical elements are not specific and, as such, a technician repair of complex with adequate preparation and with the help of the normal and usual routine equipment and instrumentation.
3.5.2. INTERVENTIONS specialistic
The intervention specialist is performed by highly competent technical staff on specific and complex machines and equipment, have suitable and accurate technical knowledge on the functionality them and with any specific equipment and instrumentation not normally available. In many cases, the personnel of Manufacturers.

His speech is aimed at diagnosing the problem and bring the elements involved in their "original" state of operation (building characteristics, functional and safety).
For maintenance of plant facilities are those with renewal and / or replacement of its basic parts - that did not alter substantially its performance - and are intended to bring the plant itself under ordinary conditions of operation (IEC Guide 0-3 - art. 2.4).
These actions require, in general:
· the use of resources, tools and special tools, use of non-current and in some cases of particular importance as excavations, large scaffolds, lifting equipment, etc.
· the preparation of temporary structures such as power sockets, power lines, advertisements, pipes, etc..
• The transport workshop or from the manufacturer.

The same action is however, not in those relating to definition of new systems, transformations and extensions or routine maintenance.
In this regard, bear in mind that the differentiation between "ordinary" and "extraordinary" is essential for the implementation of Law 46/90, which affects the maintenance
extraordinary obligation to implement and Statement of compliance by a qualified companies. A greater clarification is an example:
- the replacement of an electric motor with another of equal mechanical properties fall within the classification of routine maintenance, but from the electrical point of view can become "extraordinary" if the engine has different electrical characteristics that force to change the current protection.



Per una maggior chiarezza è stata elaborata la seguente matrice che fornisce uno schema sintetico, articolato, dei principali elementi interessati alle attività manutentive.

Idrotermocondizionamento elettrico e civile
Centrale termica e di condizianamento per la produzione acqua calda e refrigerata

Unità di trattamento aria (UTA)

Ventilatori di estrazione aria

Dealer heat transfer fluids

Sewer discharge primary air

Sewer air extraction

Fan (Fan Coil)

electric radiators

primary air intake vents

air extraction vents

Automatic control systems and supervision

electrical panel to service the plant and equipment

Water and sanitary system load

water and sanitary drainage system

Elementi civili e strutturali

Cancello motorizzato di accesso alla villa

Centrale di sollevamento e pressurizzazione acqua

Impianto di sollevamento acque reflue

Impianti elettrici e cabina di trasformazione

Cablaggio strutturato

Impianti videocitofonico

Compito Direttore dei servizi tecnici sarà quello di garantire, attraverso la sua organizzazione, la regolare efficienza degli elementi impiantistici riportati in tabella restando egli stesso unico responsabile della regolarità e dalla esaustività delle prestazioni offers.

Assuming that the supervisor evaluates incorrect and / or insufficient or complete these tasks in the maintenance schedule (Annex MP1, and other attachments) and all other services required (garrison, corrective maintenance activities , etc..), or considers the consideration is not economically profitable to the base bid, be required to declare in clear and comprehensive and to propose in the offer all variations, exceptions, and / or additions that it considers to make.

The Director of Technical Services, before taking charge of the service will draw up the "File systems" that will contain almeno i seguenti documenti ed elaborati:

una rielaborazione, se ritenuta necessaria, del piano di manutenzione ordinaria programmata (allegato MP1) in base ai:
§ disegni rielaborati in base all’esistente;
§ manuali d’uso e manutenzione delle Case Costruttrici;

un censimento puntuale e preciso della dotazione impiantistica, elaborato in forma di data base, avente lo scopo di stabilire in termini precisi la quantità, la Casa Costruttrice, la data di produzione, la data di installazione, la data dell’eventuale collaudo, prove al banco e/o scadenza, la localizzazione, il tipo di servizio;
una dettagliata relazione tecnica che indichi in modo chiaro e preciso tutti aspects and modalities of implementation of the service, also using flow charts and diagrams;
analysis of the serviceability of all equipment, machinery and components with the estimate of the "average life", the decay curve of performance, as well as a projection on the estimated date of replacement identified on the appropriate diagram;
an estimate of the cost of acquisition "forward" and cost of installation.

It 'important to further clarify that the minimum performance requirements are necessary because it reaffirms the fundamental objectives of the Service are:
· ensure the fair and orderly operation of facilities by giving same reliability and continuity of operation, in compliance with safety standards;
· ensure the best conditions of comfort and welfare of the people (air quality and microclimate), in accordance with the rules of hygiene and safety at work;
· maintain over time, subject to natural aging, the best state of use of equipment and component performance,
· ensure the optimum performance of equipment, both from the energy of environmental protection, in accordance with the laws and rules .

Of all this the Director of Technical Services shall be solely responsible.

DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES The Technical Director is responsible for:

· maintain in the most decent, clean and tidy all areas of the' hotel and the villa and its outbuildings, such as equipment rooms, horizontal and vertical shafts, fan coil storage compartments sopracontrasoffitto places, local switching, etc. ..

· ensure that all areas are left free passage of materials and items which may constitute obstruction of movement of persons and risks to their safety;

· garantire l’immunità degli impianti, delle apparecchiature e dei componenti alle manomissioni, alterazioni e modifiche specialmente per quanto attiene ai dispositivi di sicurezza (modifica dell’orientamento del guasto alla sicurezza), assicurando impedendo che si possano creare situazioni di pericolo causate da tali azioni;

· garantire che tutti gli interventi di manutenzione programmata e correttiva siano eseguiti secondo i criteri di sicurezza, la “regola dell’arte” ed in modo ordinato e pulito; ad esempio, in caso di smontaggio dei materiali isolanti termici e dei lamierini di alluminio a protezione dei componenti, per controlli e/o riparazioni, a conclusione dell’attività la parte soggetta must be restored to perfection until the reconciliation to the state of construction;

· ensure the suitability of psycho-physical and cultural (skills) of employees and their constant technical updating and the risks of its activities, shall be assigned responsibilities, establish procedures and providing regular and effective inspections.


The Director Technical Services will also have to ensure and demonstrate the availability of equipment, means of work, of personal protective equipment for workers and a warehouse with an adequate allocation of those deemed essential for continuity of operation and more consumer goods.

That stock will be at the local institution that will be available from the hotel and will be managed and supervised by the director of technical services that shall bear all responsibility, raising Hotel from any liability with regard to theft and / or damaged These materials and equipment inside.
Inside will be continuously available, placed in an orderly, rational and easy to identify at least the following stocks of spare parts

· No 2 changes of filters for AHU and fan coils;
· No 10 motorbikes for fan coil;
· n. 1 set di cinghie di trasmissione per ogni apparecchiatura, come UTA, ventilatori di estrazione, ecc.;
· n. 1 set di cuscinetti per ogni tipo di apparecchiatura come elettropompe, ventilatori, ecc.;
· n. 1 set di tenute meccaniche e particolari di montaggio per ogni elettropompa dotata;
· 1 set completo di dispositivi di blocco e sicurezza per pompe di calore (pressostati di alta e bassa pressione gas, olio, ecc.);
· 1 set completo di temporizzatori e dispositivi di elettronici ed elettromeccanici di automazione per pompe di calore;
· 10 fusibili per ogni taglia e tipo presente sui quadri ed apparecchiature elettriche varie in campo;
· n. 1 set completo dei ricambi consigliati dai Costruttori delle pompe di calore;

I ricambi dovranno essere tempestivamente rimpiazzati, a cura del Direttore dei Servizi tecnici ogni qualvolta, che gli stessi saranno utilizzati in modo da mantenerne invariata la scorta.

Per tutti i controlli al riguardo il Committente designerà suoi funzionari tecnici e/o amministrativi comunicandone i nominativi all’Appaltatore.


L’esecuzione delle operazioni dovrà avvenire nel pieno rispetto delle norme di sicurezza e senza arrecare alcun disturbo o causare interferenze e/o rallentamenti ai normali processi lavorativi dell’Hotel.

The activities of the kind or type will have a significant impact on work or may present risks to health and safety of guests and hotel staff or other companies acting on his behalf, to be implemented in time and / or more days' appropriate for the operational requirements of the hotel, prior agreements and communications.


In accordance with its activity as defined in Section conduct and operation of plants, the Director of Technical Services will ensure the daily presence of at least n. An operational unit specialized vested with the necessary means and equipment, provided that the number and specialization of workers and technicians that will be considered used and time of service that intends to take, is closely dependent on the organization that the Director of Technical Services considers that given to Service .

This business unit will strictly supervise the facilities from Monday to Dominicae from 08.00 to 16.30, holidays insclusi, and must meet the following requirements:
· License for the conduction of heat generators as art. 16 of Law No. 615 of 13/07/1966, which although not a legal requirement specific to this plant, is required in order to identify staff trained and informed.
, adjust skills and technical training - like operating in versatile fields of mechanical, electrical, water - health, thermal machines (industrial refrigeration), etc.
· Ability to fault diagnosis is by sensory analysis and instrumental;
· Capacity to report on failures and anomalies including through the use of computer systems;
· aptitude for problem solving, with qualities of steadfastness and determination in the case of criticality;
· Ability to establish and maintain good relations with the staff of the Institute and in particular with the technical and managerial;
• Good moral character, qualities of confidentiality, discretion and mental and physical fitness for the job;
, adjust training on hygiene and safety at work and on construction sites.

His duties and tasks will be: • Make sure

, monitor and supervise the smooth running of all systems with particular regard to compliance with all requirements and safety requirements, energy efficiency and environmental protection (emissions and waste disposal waste);
Children 'daily, through instrumental measurements, which are maintained in a microclimate values \u200b\u200band expected it to assure comfort to the users, where this has not speaking occur;
• Perform all the checks and verifications at high frequency under the Plan scheduled routine maintenance Annex 1 and requiring adequate technical competence;
• Perform all the seasonal goodwill and the switching on and off and set aside plants, as well as all evidence testing preparatory to switching seasonal
· carrying out, in case of failure during the hours of garrison, all interventions aimed at Level 1 to avoid danger to persons and property.
· carrying out, in case of failure during the hours of garrison, all the work of Level 1 measures to prevent disruption and without even a short-term to prevent the operation of facilities and equipment of the villa, or that affect the usability of the same, considering the functional recovery even remotely affect the safety of persons or things;
· Re, through cards, at the Hotel all the more significant events and note on the register of all maintenance operations;
· compile the book Central;
· complete maintenance records;
· to program, edit, and check the times on and off of the plants according to the needs of the Hotel and Villa always in accordance with the provisions of the DPR 412/93 and 551/99 regarding schedules and periods of operation heating equipment;
· intervene as requested by the Hotel for all transactions on the facility may be necessary to allow other companies to perform work (eg loading and unloading facilities, exclusion or separation of the departments or areas remaining plants, etc.).
• coordination, the workers and / or any specialist companies involved in the villa and the Hotel, (blacksmiths, carpenters, painters, masons, etc.).
· Adopt measures for the installation and displacement and the connection (electrical, data, etc.) and interconnection (such as personal computers and peripherals, audio / video equipment, etc..) aims to put into service such equipment for activities (conferences, training, meetings etc.).

5.5. Scheduled preventive maintenance

The Director Technical Services will fully implement the plan of scheduled preventive maintenance tasks which are essential and minimum are given in Annex MP1.

Given the objectives of the scheduled maintenance (see Section 3.4) will be the Director of Technical Services may pursue additional transactions to be added to the maintenance plan aimed at improving the state of the systems and optimizing the performance of the equipment.

The plan must still be implementato ed ingegnerizzato, apportando tutte le eventuali opportune variazioni in osservanza alle disposizioni e prescrizioni delle Case Costruttrici e tutte le modifiche ed adattamenti in funzione delle effettive esigenze delle macchine e componenti.

Durante lo svolgimento di tutte le attività il Direttore servizitecnici dovrà osservare comunque le prescrizioni e le istruzioni contenute nei manuali d’uso e m anutenzione forniti dalla Case Costruttrici.

Nelle attività di manutenzione programmata sono comprese anche :
· la pulizia accurata, con frequenza minima settimanale delle centrali tecnologiche sia nelle sue parti scoperte che nelle sue parti coperte, delle aree operative, delle zone di intervento o lavoro anche interne agli edifici e sottocentrali, comprendente l’asportazione di olii, grassi, morchie e macchie da pavimenti, apparecchiature, lamierati, pareti, ringhiere, porte, ecc.;
· la rimozione minuziosa ed immediata di tutti i materiali di risulta, ricambi e residui di lavorazione e loro trasporto a discarica in conformità alle vigenti leggi e norme in materia.


In caso di guasto o anomalia di funzionamento degli impianti Il Direttore servizi tecnici , dovrà garantire tutti i necessari Technical corrective actions. Faculty of Technical Director will determine the number and specialization of labor and technical personnel to be used for these operations based on its experience and organization.

The Technical Director is still bound to demonstrate to its directly employed at least the following positions:
· Electricity / electro-industrial
· hydraulic and thermal
· pipe fitters, welders
· refrigeration;
· technical musicians and experts in automatic control.

E 'director allowed to resort to the use of technical services personnel of the manufacturers delle apparecchiature solo in caso di comprovata esigenza dettata da circostanze particolari come esclusività di ricambi, attrezzature e di strumentazione, o specifiche competenze professionali.

Per quanto attiene le emergenze il Direttore servizitecnici dovrà assicurare gli interventi tutti giorni lavorativi e festivi dalle 08.00 alle 18.00.


I tempi di risposta (presa in carico del problema/guasto) ed i tempi di risoluzione sono riportati nella Tabelle dei tempi d’intervento sotto riportata e rappresentano elementi vincolanti per il Direttore servizi tecnici ed ai quali egli deve scrupolosamente and may do so.

Table of trip times

type of failure

Time Response Time Breakdown
ordinary resolution (ie broken pipes, ducts, fan coil defects, broken parts, electrical and hydraulic motors, pumps, fans, parts, heat pumps, UTA, etc.).. Within 30 hours
min.negli garrison; within 60 min. weekdays from 7.00 to 7.30 and from 16.30 to 19.30. Within 24 hours

Breakdown details: eg. failure requiring the use of specialized staff of the manufacturers or the use of particular parts are not available / available normally and currently on the market. Within 30 hours
min.negli garrison; within 60 min. weekdays from 7.00 to 7.30 and from 16.30 to 19.30.
According to circumstances, but always after the technical report supporting.

It remains understood that in case of failure requesting the use of special expertise and / or materials not normally available in the market currently and the regional or national level, the contractor must produce a detailed technical report justifying the causes lengthening of the time of termination, indicating an expected date.

The reason given in the technical report will be verified by the Directorate General for counter-Hotel and only in the event of a favorable opinion of the justifications of the latter will be deemed accepted

Regards Andrew Aguanno