Eh sì mi sono data alle torte di sti tempi..ieri era il compli della mia mamma e dunque ho pensato di realizzare una torta che solitamente è tipica della festa della donna: la torta mimosa. Se ne trovano diverse varianti e io ovviamente mi sono complicata la vita; infatti si potrebbe anche ricavare, in alternativa a quanto vi propongo qui sotto, preparando il pan di spagna, tagliandone un disco sopra e poi ricavando un incavo togliendo parte del contenuto così da potervi versare dentro la crema e poi rimettere the "cover" instead soaked pineapple juice and liqueur if you like. Here's my preparation:
For the sponge: usual I have used 3 eggs, working in part with an electric mixer on one side the egg whites (whites) and the other the yolks, using each of the two halves of the total sugar processing, in my case about 150 gr. I combined the two in a cream, stirring well I added about 300 grams of 00 flour, being careful to avoid lumps, add a little 'milk if the mixture is too hard. Add the prepared baking powder and grated lemon peel. (For other warnings given un'occhiata al P. di spagna fatto nella torta di mele tra le ricette). Cuocere a forno preriscaldato a 180 gradi il preparato in una teglia prima imburrata; il tutto per circa mezz'ora, 40 minuti. Quando mettendo lo stecchino nella pasta questo non si sporcherà ma uscirà pulito e la superficie è bella dorata è pronto.
Per la crema pasticcera: usare 4 tuorli di uova belle fresche ( usate gli albumi per altre preparazioni .. un'idea? le lingue di gatto), 100 gr o poco meno di zucchero, 1/2 litro di latte, circa 50 gr di farina ma in realtà dipende da come si vuole ottenere densa la crema, scorze di limone. Io per rendere il preparato more dense in all the creams also use only two teaspoons of cornstarch that is also adapted for the jams.
Cook milk in a saucepan with the lemon peel and cut inside being careful not to go beyond the white part of lemon juice, cook until boiling, then leave aside to cool (put away after the peel of lemon who have released their taste).
Work separately with the whisk the egg yolks with the sugar already in it and put a little 'flour, Mix well so that is already creamy. Meanwhile, the milk is cold.
creams is imporant to work slowly and never to bring to a boil! so you might work in a water bath. Put the egg mixture into the saucepan of milk and continue stirring. By Put on a pot with water that is big enough to hold your pot with the cream, do not put so much water because otherwise when you put the pot will come out. Put the gas on low flame, place the pan inside this bowl (in fact it is said to bake in a bain marie, why not cook your directly composed of cream, but the heat is transferred more slowly and evenly through the water ). Always mix the cream into the saucepan and slowly add a little 'flour and cornstarch (again, do not overdo it anyway). For a long time but everything will be liquid at some point, when the water begins to increase in temperature, become increasingly thick cream, stir in a robust way too good and continue tapping the bottom of the pan. Be careful not to boil the cream, if you mention to make bubbles, turn off the gas. Once the cream we put it aside to cool, why does not form lumps or rough skin surface, while it is still in cooking you can use the whisk occasionally. Once prepared but it is better to immerse the pot in a container, but this time with cold water and occasionally write a mescolatina.
Meanwhile, whip the whipping cream you've bought (I got one of those square pacchiettini Oplà cream cake). Fitted with the whisk. Once cool enough the custard combined with whipped cream and voila the famous chantilly cream is ready.
In the meantime, take a container, usually called the boule for their round shape. But to be honest maybe a glass or plastic container deep enough or because no certain large and rounded bowls that are around. Line the inside and edges with aluminum foil cooking, cut the sponge cake into slices and cover first prepared in this way, the bottom and the edges because this will be the "container" of the cream. To make the container more uniform you can work on adding all of the syrup of pineapple in the practices of those selling cans pineapple slices. I also soaked with liquor Alchermes, the pinkish which is used for the trifle.
Put in, once you feel the container compact enough sponge cake, whipped cream to which I first joined the pineapple slices into small pieces which I told you. Keep aside a portion of cream that will be used to cover the cake later. By holding a disc of cake to close the bottom of your cake, which always soaked with pineapple broth and liqueur if you like, but without breaking too much. Keep aside a certain amount of crumbled sponge cake, maybe the inside which is nice in yellow sponge cake, crumbled This part roughly in squares or dots will be our flowers decorare.Dopo have just closed on the bottom of the now filled with cream pie, try to make things as stable as possible by pressing a little 'fingers, etc. ..
Leave the cake in the fridge, I have also put in the freezer first for over an hour and then I went to the fridge. Take a nice serving dish and flipped off the container as when making molds. Be careful, because it all comes off well, you should gently wipe the blade of a knife around the edges. Thanks to foil the bottom you will not be attacked and flipping you will find a beautiful mold of sponge cake, a kind of big zuccotto. Take the custard advanced earlier with a spatula or the blade of a knife, spread the cream over and the edges of the cake evenly. Now take the part of Fr cake and crumbled into small pieces and place on and around the edges, pressing lightly with your hands so that it adheres to the cream spread and get a true mimosa; To improve the effect that use icing sugar through a sieve or strainer will do a little falling over the cake and possibly the sides.
Council to leave it in the fridge when not eaten yet, when you cut the slices is easy to loose a little 'cream because in this way is filled with cream. If you however as I said above, that is derived from the same sponge cake container, there'll be a bit 'less cream but it is easier to manage in terms of stability and the risk of implosion pressure cream! However, as taste is really good! but you have to take a lot 'of time!
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