Friday, June 6, 2008

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The audit, testing and maintenance Fire

output ports Security
emergency lights
release buttons electricity
alarm buttons
valves flammable and / or explosives
fire detectors and / or gas and automatic fire extinguishing devices

Enginering Chief: Andrew Aguanno

The following are the types of control boards and audit to be performed on systems, the equipment and firefighting equipment

2.1 Checks and inspections carried out directly by a fire fighting or a charge inside the structure


1. fire extinguisher should be reported through appropriate sign (white on red design) and possibly equipped with a serial number identification;
2. extinguisher must be readily identifiable, free from obstacles for immediate use;
3. This must be the safety device against accidental activation;
4. distinguishing marks of a fire extinguisher must be easily readable,
5. The pressure indicator should be included within the green zone;
6. the extinguisher shall be maintained in good condition (eg. there must be rust, there must be the delivery sleeve etc.).
7. maintenance of the card must always be present and properly completed.


1. L’idrante deve essere presente in ogni suo componente (cassetta, manichetta, lancia, attacco idraulico) e segnalato tramite apposito cartello (disegno bianco su fondo rosso);
2. l’idrante deve essere facilmente individuabile, libero da ostacoli ed immediatamente utilizzabile;
3. la manichetta deve essere regolarmente arrotolata ed in buono stato di conservazione;
4. la lancia deve avere la maniglia di regolazione dell’acqua in posizione chiusa ed essere in buono stato di conservazione;
5. la cassetta deve essere dotata di vetro di sicurezza e non deve presentare tracce di rottura, corrosione ecc.

Porte REI

1. verificare that the automatic closing of the door is sealed;
2. REI doors can not be left open and locked with wedges, furniture etc. see, then, that are kept constantly closed;
3. check opening and closing take place quickly and easily;
4. check the functioning of the automatic locking (with spring hinges broken).

Safety outputs

1. emergency exit must be indicated by appropriate sign (white on green design);
2. exit access, including the necessary path to reach it, must be free of obstructions or any impediment;
3. verify that the doors are completely open and easily;

Emergency lights

1. check that all lights are working properly, this can be done, for example, pausing a few minutes the power switch and controlling the entry into operation of all lamps, or by checking to see the state of LED lights (green / or red) of each lamp;
2. verify the integrity of the lamps and their stability to walls.

release buttons electricity

1. check whether it is necessary for the hammer to break the glass Button;
2. the button must be clearly visible for immediate use;
3. the button must be provided with sign indicating the function performed (eg, electric release lifts);
4. verify the actual operation, this can be done by pressing the button after removing the protective cover with a screwdriver and controlling the power supply fails.

Alarm button

1. check whether it is necessary for the hammer to break the glass of the button
2. the button must be clearly visible for immediate use;
3. the button must be provided with clearly marked the function (eg fire alarm);
4. verify the actual operation, this can be done by pressing the button after removing the protective cover with a screwdriver and checking that the sound produced by and / siren / and is audible throughout the building.

Shut-off flammable gases and / or explosives

1. verify that the valve is marked by warning signs;
2. The valve should be clearly visible and easily accessible;
3. close and reopen the valve ensure its effective operation;

fire detectors and / or gas and automatic fire extinguishing devices

1. controllare sul display della centralina dell’impianto eventuali segnalazioni di guasti, errori, anomalie;
2. contattare la ditta che effettua la manutenzione dell’impianto.


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