Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is The Best Vintage Stereo Reciever

Thoughts in verse

Da un anno o due avevo dei problemi a leggere i libri di poesie, non una poesia sola, proprio i libri, i libri di poesie. Mi capitava sempre, dopo aver letto dei libri di poesie, di passare un giorno o due a ragionare in versi, a volte ritmicamente, tipo seguendo l'andare dei passi per la strada Presto vai / il tempo fugge / serve subito / presto, un chilo / di pane un chilo , i movimenti delle abluzioni mattutine Allàgati la faccia / e vai / Marco vai / anche oggi vai / a guadagnarti il pane / cretino / vai , parlare col panettiere Un chilo / di treccine / e poi anche / se si può / una pagnotta bella grossa / se sì, / può . Allora avevo smesso di leggerli, i libri of poems.

then came up with this kind of poets of the network, this bit generation (it's a stupid joke I made one evening in a pizzeria, I did not know how to re-use it, use it here, please be patient), and two were taken out of books of poems, one called The woman who kissed the wolves of Guido Catalano, another sad tale of love for the mentally ill of Azael . Inside there are written the things that you open the head, as in the first:
but you think you can love you dog?
in dogs such as dogs love you in?
how do you say to a girl pants?
must say panties
and then:
when one day I'll tell you I love you

Be armed with a pistol from one of those little girl inside her purse

puntamela and ': if you repeat it the courage or
rarely beautiful girl is fire
therefore useless to try in the sun or
could with the drops in your eyes
us the coffee?
and second, there is a poem called Audio and escape, which is beautiful, says:
The bad

the ugly should never ever ever leave the house,
idiots never open their mouths,
all the bad guys locked up in cellars,
and smelly and the dogs in large cells of Plexiglas,
the beautiful, clever, the lovers, the good, the poor and the credulous, all in the streets,
a buzz and get away,
Ring the bell and run,

until the lady is not responding
says Who's Who the fuck is, who is stracazzo
falls below
with the broom
looks at them, those in love, those beautiful, the good, the unlucky, the cats without voice, without the partisan liberation, all those,
there, hidden behind the corner
and, I say, that's the gun, the firearm, expose them, they beat up
Mrs. leaves the broom, guns, takes off his face scratched by the look
takes off his disappointment and curlers and slippers hatred, closed behind,
and goes with them
with the finest, the deluded, the intelligent, the good, the beautiful, lovers, other bills, other loved ones, old turned back, deluded
always a buzz and get away,
buzz and run,
Ring the bell and run away.
And after I read them, these two books of poetry, I happened to think in more ways, and I could happily live my life prose. Then I started reading them, books of poems. And while I was at my parents' house, inside a cupboard, I found a poem I wrote many years ago, was and is the only poem I ever wrote, I was twenty or so, went like this:
For tears that flow
From my eyes
From your eyes

* **

all is quiet
as always
when EVERYTHING goes to hell
I think I had just been dropped.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Is Breastfeeding Your Husband Allowed In Islam

Scars: Referee

[willingly receive and publish the scar Sonqua Well cysts]

( Location )
right eyebrow.

( Cause )
My mother was a sport. Not me. Tennis. I preferred to make the meatballs with a mess of water and clay. Every now and then I could also dig a little hole in a few handfuls to take full without having to go to rub your palms piled up to an amount enough.

But I was careful. More often, I went to take the land away from the red white stripes. Never subnet. The edges. Above all, I collected when players and bystanders were shot or engaged or absorbed by other thoughts.

Sometimes, I scratch or rub my eyes. Distracted even when I colored my hair.

's will for these oversights, perhaps, that I have discovered. And then there to tell me that you could not litter the field of holes. There to explain that you had to take the ball to bounce first. The acceleration, the slip on the ground to catch those balls that bounced near the white lines, but inside. There to explain that inside the square was not the same as outside the square. There to explain the physics of the force exerted on the ball at different points in determining the "balls effect." There to show me how to use the carpet mat to make the bottom of red clay plain smooth. There to explain all the rules. The measure, the net, the set point, the ball breaks. And the concentration and silence. And the clothes, before he was born Agassi, had to be all white or shaded with small drawings. And the little joy and cheer politely. Then

. I say. I am careful. I'm an umpire. The referee of the court. At least the score. Bring myself to be careful. I say. Shooting on the fingers, one for every 15 points and keep score. Che poi nessuno sapeva dire perché non si poteva dire uno a zero. Si doveva dire solo quindici a zero, trenta trenta e cose così. Se uno faceva un punto vinceva subito di quindici. Mica mi sembrava poi così giusto quello sport lì.

Comunque, la cosa più bella di fare l’arbitro del tennis, ho scoperto, era la sedia dell’arbitro del tennis.

Un seggiolone di ferro verde. La seduta larga. Comoda. Le scalette dietro. Come la sedia del bagnino ma più bella. Senza ruggine. Senza cinghie. Non come i seggiolini del luna park. Lo schienale alto. Piantata su un gradino di cemento grigio. E poi, alta. Altissima. Bella. Salgo su. Mi siedo, comoda.

Da qui sembra tutto diverso. Ora sì che si vedono squares. I look at the network. From here it looks like a flowing line. The players seem to children, only with longer legs. You can see the heads. The part of the above. That is never seen. You see everything from here. The top of the hedges. The fountain outside the camp. The chairs of the spectators. The other field behind this one.

play. The head is: right, left, right, left, left, right, right left. Unscrewing the head if this continues. Right, Left, Left, Right. Then he drops the ball. Then again, Right, Left, Right, Left. I'm bored. I remember the score. Right, Left, Left, Right, right, left, drops the ball. I remember the score. Right left, left right.

falls on the ball. No. I do not remember the score.

Right, Left, Right, Left. And if you head off? Right, Left, Right, Left. I'm bored. I try to move the head in the opposite direction to the ball. So it is more difficult. Right, Left, Right, Left. Squint. A crack. The ball turns into a thin thin line moving. Right, Left, Left, Right. No. I do not know what you are, you, the players. Right, Left, Right, Left.

Look! That does not move behind the ball! Look Ma! A ladybug! Is that true! The red dots with blacks! I'll take it! Good luck!

Flight. Oh, I had distracted. Seeking cling. Tumbling down. Concrete steps. The stain of blood was seen on the red clay. It seemed only damp earth. Like when I made the meatballs with water.

( Consequences )
When my mirror, my eyebrows are not equal. One has a stripe, separated horizontally by a thin white line. According to the ladybugs do not bring me luck. The tennis bores me. And make bread at home and knead by hand is one of the things I love most.

of Sonqua Well cyst

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Card Frustration Rules 12

Kyoto 2011, Part 3

Continued by
Kyoto 2011 Kyoto
2011, Part 2

The Town Hall, Kyoto

walk east from the town. You see the Hotel Okura hotel on the left. Here was once the residence of the daimyo of Choshu, the current prefecture of Yamaguchi. Today there is only one statue of Katsura Kogoro, one of the Big Three of the Meiji Restoration. (The other two are Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi)

Katsura Kogoro's statue in front of Hotel Okura

The explanation for the statue

Camminiamo un po' verso sud, ci sono i resti dell'albergo Ikedaya.

Il monumento per i resti dell'albergo Ikedaya

Qua è successo Incidente in Ikedaya nel 1864. I membri di shinsengumi hanno attaccato i samurai di Choshu e Tosa che ordivano un complotto in una stanza dell'albergo Ikedaya.  

Ora non c'è più l'albergo, me c'è un locale con lo stesso nome "Ikedaya".

Andando ancora verso sud, lungo la strada "Kawamachi-doori", ci sono i resti dell'albergo Oumiya, dove Sakamoto Ryoma e Nakaoka Shintaro sono stati attaccati nel 1867.  E' deceduto subito Sakamoto, due giorni dopo anche Nakaoka.  
Oggi c'è un negozio della catena Circle K Sunkus.
Il monumento che indica l'attacco ai due.

La spiegazione della morte dei due

Continuando verso sud e girando a sinistra, arriviamo alla strada Shijo-dori e il ponte Shijo Oohashi.
Beyond the bridge you see the theater Mimaniza.


close to the bridge is a statue of Izumo Okuni, in front of the theater, but separated from the road.
Okuni is an actress and dancer of the 16th century. It 's the founder of kabuki.

The statue of Okuni

walk east along the Shijo-dori. In the middle of the road is a junction with the road Kooji Hanami.

The sign of Hanami-Koji

The road Hanami Koji

This building with the red wall is Ichirikitei, the famous local customers who do not accept strangers, must be submitted by other customers.
Kuranosuke Oishi, chief of the 47 ronin was here and had fun with geisha not to be noticed on their revenge.
Even Kondo Isami, leader of the Shinsengumi was there.

As this is the place where I can never go, I put the site that looks like is in it:
At the restaurant's name was Yorozuya (万 屋). When Takeda Izumo wrote the screenplay for the stage, "Kanadehon Chushingura," the real names of the 47 ronin were changed. The name of the local Yorozuya has changed. Yorozu 万 you write, but also 万. The writer divides it into two and created the name Ichiriki 一力. After the great success of the theater, the restaurant has changed its name to Yorozuya Ichiriki-tei.
On Kanadehon Chushingura:

still walk east along Shijo-Dori to arrive at Yasaka Jinja Shinto temple.
ahead of time, at the crossroads, there is a chain Lawson. Here was a place where Shinsengumi did the meeting before going to Ikedaya to stop the samurai of Choshu ..

Yasaka Jinja

Maruyama Park Koen back of the temple

The town of Kyoto, Yasaka Jinja are here:

Jeff Hardy Hairstyles

Pieces of Liberation: The Last Secret of the rule squonkiana

Squonk One day the teacher contacted me privately, was the time of PslA, Christmas. Mi disse che aveva una cosa importante da dirmi, che non me l'aveva ancora detta perché si trattava dell'ultima cosa da imparare sulla regola squonkiana . Mi disse che ci sono certe persone che vanno esortate privatamente con degli hop hop hop mirati, decisi e implacabili, anche giorno per giorno, e che forse le soddisfazioni più grandi arrivano da quei campioni dell'ultimo minuto. Così faremo, con alcuni di voi, da oggi in poi.

Mancano cinque giorni alla deadline per la consegna dei vostri elaborati all'indirizzo marcomncrd chiocciola gmail punto com . Avete quindi tempo fino alle 23.59 del 15 marzo per poter partecipare allo Schegge di Liberazione di quest'anno, che forse è l'ultimo. Le istruzioni e le informazioni utili sono qui . Barabba dice 26 x 1 .

[e un ringraziamento particolare va al prode thunalab per
questo contributo visivo alla causa dell'hop hop hop sui socialcosi che contano]

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kate's Playground Rabbit


office of Yahoo is to participate in publicity.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Heart Gold English Rom Mac

Keiji Muto, the wrestler

Keiji Muto (pronounced Keiji Mutoh) is one of Tokon Sanjuushi. Sanjuushi is the Japanese title for "The Three Musketeers." Tokon (tohkon or tookon) aims for the mind fighter. The other two are Shin'ya Hashimoto (deceased in 2005) and Masahiro Choono.

Keiji Muto has another name with a mask or makeup macabre. He was wrestling in the U.S. under the name Great Muta.

The image of Keiji Muto, today

Muto Keiji, a young

Il tributo a Muto Keiji, Great Muta

Siccome ha usato molte volte il moonsault press, la tecnica volante dalla cima dell'angolo, i suoi ginocchi sono rovinati. Ha subito le operazioni sui ginocchi per cinque volte. Nonostante ciò, ancora adesso combatte nel ring.

E' un lottatore carismatico.


Dettol For Skin Infection

Scars: Neo

[riceviamo e pubblichiamo con gioia, in questa giornata speciale, la cicatrice di Roberta Ragona , meglio conosciuta come tostoini; potete accompagnare la lettura con un piatto di quei gnocchetti sardi suggeriti proprio ieri dal Fiorveluti]

( Location )
plant the left foot.

( Cause )
"What's that you have on the sole of the foot, a mole?"
"No. It's a scar."

To give shape to the days of the week, in summer, one thing is watering.
Water must of necessity because in the summer, in Sardinia, makes a lot of heat. Watered with well water, however, that the drinking water is rationed, because of water, in Sardinia, in the summer - you know - there is little.
watered every other day and one not. In the summers of my childhood there was a lot of water: Water from In and Peter, by Ennio and Antoinette and water to our house when we were in Arzana, Marsala or Lumezzane.
My house and that of Ennio and Antoinette had a lot of points in common. Both are large enough to accommodate families with a fair number of members, both full of interesting rooms, nooks and crevices. Both built in a neighborhood in the booming construction of what would become leafy suburban districts of small houses with gardens, but in my childhood were rather one extended work in progress that I've got most of my scars. Both had a huge garden filled with animals. In my dogs were missing, which abound by Ennio and Antoinette. Of this huge
garden only a small proportion was ornamental. Most of the space was occupied by a large untidy garden. At home, at home and Ennio Antoinette, where the vegetables ended there, near the border fence, a no man's land began to grow up a little hill, storage of construction materials of various kinds, lumber, bricks, blocks and bags of cement. Why not only the district but also our homes at the time were a work in progress evolving.
The hill of my house was a mysterious object, the home of a colony of cats Forastiere and unapproachable, dangerously close to a long bougainvillea thorns like daggers. That
home of Antoinette and Ennio however, was there, accessible. Ready for exploration. While dad
watered, I was giving rise to the mountain climbing - News Tenzing - beams, pallets, pruned branches and half-drawers. I do not know how much time had passed since we came to when my father called me because it was getting dark, and water had finished it was time to go home. I know I was on top of the hill and I wore those shoes called gummy skeletons are typical of childhood in the early '80s.
What I remember is that I jumped down from the hill, which was not high. At the foot of the hill, a beam. In the middle of the beam, a nail masonry several inches long.
What I remember is that I went to my father with the pace a bit 'awkward when divers are about to enter the water, or a skier while standing still. Only that skiing was the beam was attached to my feet and not by special attacks, but a nail masonry several inches long that ran through my foot from side to side.

( Consequences )
Another thing I remember from my childhood is that I did tetanus every year.

of Roberta Ragona "tostoini"

Monday, March 7, 2011

Long Dong Silver Images

Kemono no Souji Erin

"Kemono no Souja Erin" è un anime trasmesso nel 2009, basato su una parte del romanzo "Kemono no Souja" di Uehashi Nahoko, la stessa scrittrice di "Seirei no Moribe ".

The product has Production IG Director Takayuki Hamana is, of" The Prince of Tennis. "Intends
Kemono beast Souji player instead. The title then would be the" suonatrice for the beasts, Erin ".

Erin is the daughter of a vetrinaria a farming village where tohd, which literally means" snake fighter. "In fact, in the shape of big lizard. The mother, because she could not save the tohd patients, was sentenced to death. the last time he made his escape daughter Erin using his secret technique that absolutely should not use. Erin was brought to the edge of a village. There is been pulled up by a man beekeeper. Learning in animals, Erin decides to become a doctor like his mother. One day he meets a beautiful beast Flying ohjuu ", or" the king of beasts ", which changes the life of Erin ....

The song for the second symbol by Hajime Chitose "Shizuku"

The original version of the song Skimaswitch, the author of music: http://

Bets 50. It seems a bit 'long, but it is not boring. It 'been treated with such attention.

Not everyone likes the style of the characters on the figure. Apart from the simplicity of the figure of the protagonists, the villages and houses are very beautiful and special. We often see scenes from paintings made strange, especially for the scenes of the legend or the fighting. E 'recommended.

My favorite among the characters is Lilan, a ohjuu Erin saved. Between humans and IARU, a guy guarding the queen of the country. I like his voice, the same voice actor in the Ator " noein and Okita Sogo in" Gintama ".

the site of the soul:


How To Naturally Make Inner Lips Smaller

Dining with Tiziano Fiorveluti: Sardinian gnocchi as I pull

Read a book of Emily Lussier. Cut an eggplant into rounds and sprinkle with salt, so it loses water. Remove the skin in a couple of sausages horse and make it small pieces with your hands. In the meantime, often say "PSDAZ.

After half an hour in which to memorize all the provinces of Sardinia, fry (eggplant) with half a white onion, adding a little 'pepper and tomatoes peeled, cut into wedges.

After the first three minutes the fire vividly, add the sausage-shape and then reduce the heat, stirring well. When the sauce retracts, add two glasses of white wine and raise a little flame. Chopped parsley and grated cheese in your choice. I can not force you to use the cheese because unfortunately we are a free country.

Did not I tell you that while the dumplings cooked in salted water Sardinian but it was clear, no?

Stir the pasta and sauce, toss a couple of minutes. Add the parsley ONLY COURSES, rain. You put the cheese in a cheese, leaving the decision to diners.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Are Bladder Polyps Cancerous

Kyoto 2011, Part 2

Continued from previous post " Kyoto 2011.

Since our hotel is close to Chohoji, Rokkakudo said, we go.
Rokkakudo is a Buddhist temple and the birthplace Ikenobo school of ikebana.

Ikenobo's palace.
including the office and private schools, is great.
front of the building there is a great work of ikebana

Back of this building is the entrance of the temple Chohoji.
The temple is small.

The main building has a hexagonal shape, it is called

North in the temple, there is an artificial lake.
Inside the lake, where a swan is standing
there are the remains of the little lake town, where
Shotoku Taishi has taken a bath.

The name is based Ikenobo on this ancient lake. Pond in Japanese is called "ike". While Bo (boh or boo) wanted to Buddhist temples. The monks of this temple
historically put flowers to the statue, Nyoirin-Kannon, Sanskrit chintamanicakra. The way of dedicating flowers has become famous for its beauty and singularity. Thus was the origin of the Ikenobo school. Ikenobo is the oldest school of ikebana. The governing of Ikenobo are more numerous than in other schools. The current head of the school and the chief monks of the temple is Ikenobo Sen'ei, 45 th "iemoto" (the head master of masters).

Chohoji The temple is located here:


Best Budget Av Receiver

The first goal of the ads Nagatomo

the Italian version (a little' shorter):
http:/ /

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Adultfilmstar Bio Friday

essential Biographies (105)

Alberto Granado Jimenez started the revolution.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sinus Tachycardia Treatment Uk

the beauty parlor

Meet the absurd publicity. I am a beauty salon on the island of Kyushu.Quindi not sent in all of Japan, you will probably see only in that island.

Este WAM, Beaty Bowling

Este WAM, Beam


Christian Phrases To Tattoo

Pieces of Liberation: Minuet

diligently honoring the rule squonkiana , told you that you have 10 days, until 23:59 on 15 March, to send your stuff to the usual address . Bararbba says 26x1. And HOP HOP HOP.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Coach Purses Albertville

The certificate for the delay

delay of the image is from 2004:

When trains are delayed, the companies Japanese transport leaves a document evidencing the train delays for passengers. So passengers can hand over to their office to prove that it was not his fault arrival late at the office. The document is not to take the compensation.

The module depends on the companies. Every business has its own standard. Normally they leave for the late morning. They leave when there are more than 5 minutes late or sometimes ten minutes.
Usually you can take the train. Lately, he can also be obtained via the web. But since it does not certify that you were in that train, considered as a late or not with this authentic document from the web, where the company decides work.

The photo above is left in the certificate of Shimokitazawa station on the Keio line-sen. The numbers at left indicate the months. Those below are the days. On the right indicate the minutes delayed.

2009 Honda Pilot Front License Plate

Letters with One Piece

stamps will come out of One Piece on March 23. One pack contains ten 80-yen stamp (0.70 euro) which are enough to drive a heavy envelope, and costs 800 yen (7 €).


stamps designed with the characters of anime are nothing new.
But new products come out from the post office. It 's the complete letter, which contains 4 envelopes, 10 cards of letters, one postcard and 4 stickers. E 'in particular that each prefecture will sell different designs with the typical things of the country. So there are 47 types. This time the drawings are of Chopper.

There will be from 18 March at post offices throughout Japan. Costa 525 yen (4.57 euro).


How To Beat The Huntedhouse

Dialectic ( 8) The Red-Nosed

"Another?" Other. "

I'm not aware of the full geographical spread of this verbal exchange, but I know for a fact that is used in Bologna. For those who have not ever heard before, the exchange in question is the closure of any dialogue between the seller and buyer, particularly in grocery shops. The vendor (V) have the interrogative part, the buyer (A) the other. It works like this: (A) enters the store and, when his turn, sets in (V) what he needs, at the end of the transaction, (V) extends to (A) the Sportina which supplies and demand " Other? ". (A), which did not need anything else, reply, against all logic, "Other". There is an obvious inconsistency of the response with the realtà dei fatti. (A) dovrebbe rispondere “No”, e invece risponde "Altro". Da bambino ogni spesa assieme a mia nonna o a mia mamma mi metteva a disagio, e alla fine rimanevo sistematicamente attonito a guardarla in faccia, pensando “Scusa, hai detto Altro e poi invece andiamo a pagare? E lui non dice niente?”. Oh, a trentacinque anni ancora non ho capito il perché. Se mi succede rispondo anch'io “Altro”, ma solo se non c’è mia figlia vicino.

(di Massimiliano Calamelli "mc")

How To Replace A Suitcase Wheel

(surprise, little drama, happy ending and moral of the story)

Salì in macchina, con l'ingegner Manicardi, il prode carlo dulinizo, con una barbetta not too light and not too dark, with smiling cheeks enough.

"Sorry, maybe I lost a red nose?"
"It has been found."
"What do you say?" Shouted the engineer.

Joy took his speech. He was staring into the eyes dulinizo that was before him and on whose lips and plump cheeks, a flickering light flashes the car sent live.

"In a strange way: they have stopped that now was almost on the road. He was about to change even the face. Wanted to be an employee. "

The engineer was beside himself.

"Where? Where? I run away. "
" Do not worry. Knowing that you had to, I brought with me in saying this dulinizo fumbled in the bag and pulled out a red nose wrapped in a plastic bag.
"It's him," cried the ignegnere. "That's him! I'll buy you a drink. Now. "
" For me it would be a great pleasure, but I just can not. "
" It is 'good,' replied the engineer. "See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow," said the dulinizo.

dulinizo When he was gone, the engineer for a few minutes remained in a state of mind rather indefinite, and only a few minutes later regained the ability to see and hear: this loss l'aveva gettato l'improvvisa gioia! Prese con gran cautela il naso rosso con entrambe le mani e lo guardò ancora una volta con attenzione.

«È lui, è proprio lui!» mormorò l'ingegnere e per poco non scoppiò a ridere dalla gioia.

Ma al mondo non c'è nulla di duraturo e perciò anche la gioia, nell'attimo che segue, non è già più così viva; poi essa diventa ancor più debole e, infine, inavvertitamente si confonde con lo stato d'animo abituale, come nell'acqua un cerchio prodotto dalla caduta d'un sassolino finisce per confondersi con la superficie liscia. L'ingegnere cominciò a riflettere e capì che la faccenda non era ancora finita: il naso rosso was found, but now it was necessary to attack it, replace it.

"And if you do not attack?"

Faced with this question he had addressed himself to the engineer turned pale.
With a feeling of indescribable terror, rushed home, ran to the bathroom mirror to avoid the risk of sticking my nose red wrong. His hands were trembling. With caution and circumspection, put the red nose in the right place. Oh, horror! The red nose is not stuck! Then I went to the mouth, slightly warmed by the breath and placed him again on the smooth space that lies between the two cheeks, red nose, but just do not support it.

"Now, then, up! Put in place, stupid! "He said.

But the red nose was like a sponge and he fell on the table. The engineer's face twitched convulsively in a grimace.

"Could not make more power?" He said to himself a prey to fear.

But how many times helping him in his place, efforts continued to be in vain.

*** Meanwhile, the unusual items that incident had spread across the Internet and, as always, is not without fringes. About that time people's attention tended to extraordinary things: a short time before the entire network had been keen to experiment with some Hello Kitty. Moreover, the history of memecapellone was still fresh, and there is thus not surprising that soon we would begin to say that the red nose dell'ingenger Manicardi face changed at least once a month. Every day a lot of curious people flocked report new sightings. If someone said that the red nose was on Campeotto , in America, now the crowd was pressing on his tumblr. Then word got around that her nose was not a red dell'ingenger Manicardi Campeotto, but a Marinelli, on the contrary there was a long time.

of the whole thing they were very happy with the mundane and inevitable socialnetwork goers, who like to laugh and the ladies like that provided at that time was exhausted. A small proportion of people respected and well-intentioned, however, was unhappy. A man said with indignation does not understand how the current century illuminated could spread like crazy inventions, and was surprised why the government was not concerned with the thing. As you can see, this gentleman belonged to the category of those people who want the government meddling in everything, even in their daily quarrels with his wife. After ... but then again the whole story is hidden by fog and what happened afterwards is absolutely unknown.

*** To the world the most unlikely things happen. Sometimes lacking even the slightest shadow of plausibility: suddenly that same red nose who had been a Campeotto a Marinelli and also an ISO Dex, and had caused so much noise in the network, as if nothing had stood again in his place, that is precisely between the two cheeks dell'ingenger Manicardi. This happened on March 3, Shrove Tuesday. Wake up and without thinking turned a look of the bathroom mirror, what did he see? red nose! He grabbed a hand: It was just a red nose!

"Ehe," said the engineer and the joy I nearly danced a mazurka barefoot in the room, but gave another look in the mirror: red nose . Rubbing with the towel again gave a look in the mirror: red nose!

Here is what happened in the history of the northern town square that children said to be the largest in the world! Only now, considering everything, we see that in it there is a lot of far-fetched. Not to mention the fact that the posting of the supernatural nose red and his appearance in the guise of an advisor to several bloggers is a strange thing too. How could the Ingenga not understand that you can buy a nose emergency? I do not say here in the sense that the price would be too expensive: this is nonsense, I do not even belong to the category of persons attached to the money. But it is inconvenient, embarrassing, is not well! But most strange, more incomprehensible of all is that writers can engage in similar arguments. I admit, this is really inconceivable, really ... no, no, I can not understand. First, it is definitely not an advantage for the country, and secondly ... but secondly it is not an advantage. Simply do not know what all this means never.

And yet, despite this, it can also be accepted and the one and the other thing, and a third ... Yes, because where that does not occur of unbelievable things? And to think well, in all this, there is really something. You can say what you want, but similar events happen in the world, rarely but they happen.

FIN (* )

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Milena Velba The Letter


On March 3, is one of the five days of "sekku." Sekku are the days of the change of seasons. The five are Jan. 7, March 3, May 5, July 7 and September 9. Except
January 7, are days where the number is equal to month. These days the ceremony in the imperial court were to avoid the negative things, taking the energy from the seasonal plants.
The plan for March 3 is the momo, which means the peach blossoms. So on March 3 is called "Momo no sekku."
This day hopes the healthy and happy life of girls and boys, showing the dolls in the house and eating special dishes.

do not know the origin of the festival, but there was the custom to remove the evil: make paper dolls and pretend to clean the body with these dolls, and leaves into the stream. There was also a play with dolls, especially the nobility exhibited miniature dolls house. Over time the two acts are linked and developed. The dolls are seen as protectors for girls and boys.

Day "momo no sekku" has become like a party doll, circa 16th century. When her daughter Kazuko
the second shogun of the Edo, Tokugawa Hidetada ie, she married the emperor Gomizunoo, brought her dolls in Kyoto. After you have spread the dolls for Hinamatsuri as a custom even among ordinary citizens.
the Edo era, the dolls have become large and luxurious. Every time the government prohibited the decoration of luxury, but the dolls have appeared small but very detailed. The shape of dolls and cases today are from the 19th century. Today

complete dolls are expensive. They are gifted by grandparents to grandchildren.

I present to you what you eat on this day: chirashizushi with osuimono with hamaguri, and hinaarare hishimochi. They drink sake white.

Osuimono the soup is clear. In this case
bring hamaguri, a type of mollusk.
Hamaguri are not clams.
are larger and have more smooth and thick shells.

Hinaarare , sweets for the festive events rice.
Compared to normal plowing, the colors are delicate.

The frozen snow plow it is said. (The snow and ice are big enough but "Hyou" small ones are plowing.) The name of the food "plow" is that snow plow, the plow because when they cook, make noise like the falling snow ice.
The name of Arel "Dr.Slump Arale-chan" is the result of word game designed by the author Akira Toriyama, as well as he did in Dragon Ball. Norimaki Senbei, the doctor has the name of the manga of the savory snacks made from rice with seaweed.


Norimaki Sembee

Hishimochi , la pasta fatta dal riso glutinoso e tagliata a rombo.

La forma rombo si dice "hishi" in giapponese.

Questa è una canzone per hinamatsuri.
