Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Replace A Suitcase Wheel

(surprise, little drama, happy ending and moral of the story)

Salì in macchina, con l'ingegner Manicardi, il prode carlo dulinizo, con una barbetta not too light and not too dark, with smiling cheeks enough.

"Sorry, maybe I lost a red nose?"
"It has been found."
"What do you say?" Shouted the engineer.

Joy took his speech. He was staring into the eyes dulinizo that was before him and on whose lips and plump cheeks, a flickering light flashes the car sent live.

"In a strange way: they have stopped that now was almost on the road. He was about to change even the face. Wanted to be an employee. "

The engineer was beside himself.

"Where? Where? I run away. "
" Do not worry. Knowing that you had to, I brought with me in saying this dulinizo fumbled in the bag and pulled out a red nose wrapped in a plastic bag.
"It's him," cried the ignegnere. "That's him! I'll buy you a drink. Now. "
" For me it would be a great pleasure, but I just can not. "
" It is 'good,' replied the engineer. "See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow," said the dulinizo.

dulinizo When he was gone, the engineer for a few minutes remained in a state of mind rather indefinite, and only a few minutes later regained the ability to see and hear: this loss l'aveva gettato l'improvvisa gioia! Prese con gran cautela il naso rosso con entrambe le mani e lo guardò ancora una volta con attenzione.

«È lui, è proprio lui!» mormorò l'ingegnere e per poco non scoppiò a ridere dalla gioia.

Ma al mondo non c'è nulla di duraturo e perciò anche la gioia, nell'attimo che segue, non è già più così viva; poi essa diventa ancor più debole e, infine, inavvertitamente si confonde con lo stato d'animo abituale, come nell'acqua un cerchio prodotto dalla caduta d'un sassolino finisce per confondersi con la superficie liscia. L'ingegnere cominciò a riflettere e capì che la faccenda non era ancora finita: il naso rosso was found, but now it was necessary to attack it, replace it.

"And if you do not attack?"

Faced with this question he had addressed himself to the engineer turned pale.
With a feeling of indescribable terror, rushed home, ran to the bathroom mirror to avoid the risk of sticking my nose red wrong. His hands were trembling. With caution and circumspection, put the red nose in the right place. Oh, horror! The red nose is not stuck! Then I went to the mouth, slightly warmed by the breath and placed him again on the smooth space that lies between the two cheeks, red nose, but just do not support it.

"Now, then, up! Put in place, stupid! "He said.

But the red nose was like a sponge and he fell on the table. The engineer's face twitched convulsively in a grimace.

"Could not make more power?" He said to himself a prey to fear.

But how many times helping him in his place, efforts continued to be in vain.

*** Meanwhile, the unusual items that incident had spread across the Internet and, as always, is not without fringes. About that time people's attention tended to extraordinary things: a short time before the entire network had been keen to experiment with some Hello Kitty. Moreover, the history of memecapellone was still fresh, and there is thus not surprising that soon we would begin to say that the red nose dell'ingenger Manicardi face changed at least once a month. Every day a lot of curious people flocked report new sightings. If someone said that the red nose was on Campeotto , in America, now the crowd was pressing on his tumblr. Then word got around that her nose was not a red dell'ingenger Manicardi Campeotto, but a Marinelli, on the contrary there was a long time.

of the whole thing they were very happy with the mundane and inevitable socialnetwork goers, who like to laugh and the ladies like that provided at that time was exhausted. A small proportion of people respected and well-intentioned, however, was unhappy. A man said with indignation does not understand how the current century illuminated could spread like crazy inventions, and was surprised why the government was not concerned with the thing. As you can see, this gentleman belonged to the category of those people who want the government meddling in everything, even in their daily quarrels with his wife. After ... but then again the whole story is hidden by fog and what happened afterwards is absolutely unknown.

*** To the world the most unlikely things happen. Sometimes lacking even the slightest shadow of plausibility: suddenly that same red nose who had been a Campeotto a Marinelli and also an ISO Dex, and had caused so much noise in the network, as if nothing had stood again in his place, that is precisely between the two cheeks dell'ingenger Manicardi. This happened on March 3, Shrove Tuesday. Wake up and without thinking turned a look of the bathroom mirror, what did he see? red nose! He grabbed a hand: It was just a red nose!

"Ehe," said the engineer and the joy I nearly danced a mazurka barefoot in the room, but gave another look in the mirror: red nose . Rubbing with the towel again gave a look in the mirror: red nose!

Here is what happened in the history of the northern town square that children said to be the largest in the world! Only now, considering everything, we see that in it there is a lot of far-fetched. Not to mention the fact that the posting of the supernatural nose red and his appearance in the guise of an advisor to several bloggers is a strange thing too. How could the Ingenga not understand that you can buy a nose emergency? I do not say here in the sense that the price would be too expensive: this is nonsense, I do not even belong to the category of persons attached to the money. But it is inconvenient, embarrassing, is not well! But most strange, more incomprehensible of all is that writers can engage in similar arguments. I admit, this is really inconceivable, really ... no, no, I can not understand. First, it is definitely not an advantage for the country, and secondly ... but secondly it is not an advantage. Simply do not know what all this means never.

And yet, despite this, it can also be accepted and the one and the other thing, and a third ... Yes, because where that does not occur of unbelievable things? And to think well, in all this, there is really something. You can say what you want, but similar events happen in the world, rarely but they happen.

FIN (* )


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