Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Beat The Huntedhouse

Dialectic ( 8) The Red-Nosed

"Another?" Other. "

I'm not aware of the full geographical spread of this verbal exchange, but I know for a fact that is used in Bologna. For those who have not ever heard before, the exchange in question is the closure of any dialogue between the seller and buyer, particularly in grocery shops. The vendor (V) have the interrogative part, the buyer (A) the other. It works like this: (A) enters the store and, when his turn, sets in (V) what he needs, at the end of the transaction, (V) extends to (A) the Sportina which supplies and demand " Other? ". (A), which did not need anything else, reply, against all logic, "Other". There is an obvious inconsistency of the response with the realtà dei fatti. (A) dovrebbe rispondere “No”, e invece risponde "Altro". Da bambino ogni spesa assieme a mia nonna o a mia mamma mi metteva a disagio, e alla fine rimanevo sistematicamente attonito a guardarla in faccia, pensando “Scusa, hai detto Altro e poi invece andiamo a pagare? E lui non dice niente?”. Oh, a trentacinque anni ancora non ho capito il perché. Se mi succede rispondo anch'io “Altro”, ma solo se non c’è mia figlia vicino.

(di Massimiliano Calamelli "mc")


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