sugars and fats, for obvious reasons, energetic, are the foods that generate more pleasure too salty attracts, because after having lost their fur and because of sweating, the man tends to seek and save the salt.
More than rationality, is the pleasure for the food the engine that drives us to eat. 'S why we are attracted by a food good, but harmful, whereas an unappealing food is neglected even if healthy. Eating is a little 'how to have sex. Playing, eating well, the species is maintained and evolves. It has sex, however, primarily because it is pleasant, rather than for procreation. These are the instincts and the pleasure that drives us to life, even before the right.
recent studies have demonstrated the role psychoactive food, which is capable of moving in the heart of our emotional brain, the mesolimbic system, the production of neurotransmitters of pleasure: serotonin and dopamine. The same increase in the sexual act that, if we fall in love, when we buy something you want, whether alcohol or drugs.
Over time, the increasing availability of food, the birth of gastronomy and the culinary arts, but also by the industrial production of junk food, man or exasperated respectively delighted their senses, through food. Cream puffs filled with streams of cocoa, pasta with cream and cheese, toasted nuts and salt, but also chocolate, crisps, sandwiches, triple-layer sandwiches are the real threats to our will, and as part of the brain responses of real drugs. Just think, see smell, these foods increased salivation, abdominal cramps and produces triggers desire.
You may be dependent on food?
Yes, if you train the mind of the eater hedonist, to curb the instincts, which otherwise would lead us ad continua ricerca di un certo tipo di cibo, dolce, grasso e salato per l’appunto .
Sì, se il piacere del cibo serve al mangiatore malinconico colmare vuoti affettivi, per placare le ansie, per lenire i dolori dell’anima e nella depressione.
Ascolta la dolce linea su:
2° Quando siete in compagnia, non portate le mani su parti del corpo che di solito non sono messe in mostra.oppure:
5° Se tossite, starnutite, sospirate o sbadigliate non fatelo sguaiatamente [...] e non parlate quando state sbadigliando.oppure:
9° Non sputate sul fuoco del camino [...], inoltre do not place your feet on the edge of the fireplace, especially if the food is cooking over there.or:
11 ° Do not keep changing position in the presence of others and not rosicchiatevi nails.or:
12 ° [...] Do not splash your face with your saliva of anyone getting too close while talking.or:
13 ° in the presence of others, not crushed insects, fleas and lice, if you see any filth or thick spittle, cover it with dexterity and if one foot is on the dress of your partner, take it in private, but if the dirt is on your clothes, give thanks who takes it from there.or:
90 ° When you are sitting at the table, not scratched and do not spit or blow your nose and cough.or:
92 ° [...] do not cut the bread with a greasy knife.or:
94 ° If usatene sauce dip the bread in a piece that you can put in your mouth at once, do not blow on the soup at the table.or: 95 °
Do not bring food to the mouth with a knife in his hand, or spit the seeds of any fruit tart, but put them on a plate.or:
100 ° not clean your teeth with the tablecloth, napkin, fork or knife.totally missing in the list, the rules relating to sanitation, and that seems really strange, especially for an era in which the paper should be prepared for use did not exist, was introduced in the United States almost a century later.
with the finger the culture is clear,
quickly puts it in his mouth, it will remain clean
wall, ass, paper and finger.