Monday, February 28, 2011

Write A Service Hours Letter

It is here.

It 'nice, but if I get one, it will be a shame to spoil it.

UNIQLO is a chain of clothing rather than economic. It also sells clothes designed with anime and manga.

page of the shirts of Naruto:


What Do The Plastic Colored Bracelets Mean

UNIQLO T-shirts in the race to dig

Every February a farm in Chiba organizes a competition to dig. The rules are simple. Who wins the hole deeper. The sponsor is a company that produces the blades. The prize is 100,000 yen (about 900 €), a chain made of 50-yen coins (44 cents). The currency of 50 Japanese yen has a hole in the middle as the picture below.

The other prize is the golden shovel. Should be kept by the winner and be returned successimo year for the new winner.

This year there were 209 participants. A team must be a maximum of six people. You can use the blade with the maximum size of a meter, buckets, ladders and ropes. It is distributed to each team an area of \u200b\u200babout 5 x 5 meters. The time for competition is 30 minutes.

The hole was deeper than that. 326 cm.

They dug them.

The winners among these participants are female. They dug to 126 cm.

The section of the boys. The best is 123 cm.

The works were awarded most fun. One is a pyramid made from the earth excavated. Another is for Valentine's Day.

cosplay prize was given to these two teams. Gegege no Kitaro is one of the other is Dragon Ball.

no idea there was this race, I heard the news English

I do not think that they participate only for the money, not many. Dig the hole ground Is it fun.

The images are from the site of the farm:

sponsor Asaka Indusrial Co. ltd:


Poptropica Help On Saving Game

There is food addiction?

The food is a physiological pleasure for man, for reasons that have a purely evolutionary roots. In the evolution of species "man", and animals in general, survival is dependent on the number (and quality) of food eaten. If the food is nice, man is attracted , resulting evolutionary advantage. And 'why trivially, and with a return on the possibility of survival, the monkey leaves on the ground a stone, while his mouth a piece of fruit. The

sugars and fats, for obvious reasons, energetic, are the foods that generate more pleasure too salty attracts, because after having lost their fur and because of sweating, the man tends to seek and save the salt.

More than rationality, is the pleasure for the food the engine that drives us to eat. 'S why we are attracted by a food good, but harmful, whereas an unappealing food is neglected even if healthy. Eating is a little 'how to have sex. Playing, eating well, the species is maintained and evolves. It has sex, however, primarily because it is pleasant, rather than for procreation. These are the instincts and the pleasure that drives us to life, even before the right.

recent studies have demonstrated the role psychoactive food, which is capable of moving in the heart of our emotional brain, the mesolimbic system, the production of neurotransmitters of pleasure: serotonin and dopamine. The same increase in the sexual act that, if we fall in love, when we buy something you want, whether alcohol or drugs.

Over time, the increasing availability of food, the birth of gastronomy and the culinary arts, but also by the industrial production of junk food, man or exasperated respectively delighted their senses, through food. Cream puffs filled with streams of cocoa, pasta with cream and cheese, toasted nuts and salt, but also chocolate, crisps, sandwiches, triple-layer sandwiches are the real threats to our will, and as part of the brain responses of real drugs. Just think, see smell, these foods increased salivation, abdominal cramps and produces triggers desire.

You may be dependent on food?

Yes, if you train the mind of the eater hedonist, to curb the instincts, which otherwise would lead us ad continua ricerca di un certo tipo di cibo, dolce, grasso e salato per l’appunto .

Sì, se il piacere del cibo serve al mangiatore malinconico colmare vuoti affettivi, per placare le ansie, per lenire i dolori dell’anima e nella depressione.

Ascolta la dolce linea su:

What's The Best Golf Gps System

NOTICE transfer blog

Ragazzi scrivo qui per avvisarvi che se volete venirmi a trovare ora mi potete trovare sul mio nuovo blog Venite a trovarmi numerosi!!

Kates Playgrounds Strawberry Panties

Dining with Tiziano Fiorveluti: Butterflies in Rio parrot

Take the butterflies (the pasta). Buy sliced \u200b\u200bcheese Bavarian and ask where will the Brazilian part of the recipe, as the classic colors of the parrot (yellow and green) are the same in Brazil. As I thought about the Nazis fled to South America, buy a zucchini and an egg for diner. It also takes the cinnamon and then calls Eder (who got this on the fly, I come to him the recipe at home, one day). At the right time (when you know become another, as Mina would say) you have in the house of Marsala also pretty good. So

: Cut the zucchini into rounds and fry in two tablespoons oil and a knob of butter. No onion, no garlic. It happens, do not be alarmed, but if you want to add is not offended anyone. Meanwhile bother the eggs and mix with a fork. Season with salt, if you like to use salt. Cut into strips and let the cheese Bavarian wait.

When the zucchini begins to brown, sprinkle cinnamon (which is heard) and a glass of Marsala, raising fire for a couple of minutes. Bevetevi a dash of marsala, meanwhile, is good.

At this point, cooked, throw in the pasta (the butterflies) you've cooked in salted water. United beaten egg and fry on high heat for long enough to sing the first within BRASIL, na na na nana ... nanaaaaaaaaaaaaa (repeats until BRASILIA, Brazil). Sing it without running too much and started to sing after you've turned up the heat. Timing is important.

On each plate, Bavarian cheese slices, a hot plate. Party plan, but half will regret not having done the double.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Whatepisode Bulma Gets Pregnant

traditional sweets - wagashi

from a pastry shop in Shizuoka:

traditional Japanese sweets are called "wagashi", differentiated from Western cakes known as "yogashi.
Wagashi are made from sugar, rice, soybeans and sometimes by mizuame, syrup from glutinous rice. Not used fats and dairy products. Especially
have the figure that corresponds to the seasons. They have elegant names and literals. The names are often linked to the poems and novels of old. Knowing what works are cited by the word or phrase, you understand why the shape and color of the candy. This is one of the reasons why the cookies were appreciated during the traditional tea ceremony.

pictures of various cakes, in order from spring to winter.

Image sotto è delle pagine in "Otoko Chohoki" (o "Nanchohoki", 1693), che presentano i dolcetti. Il libro è come un'enciclopedia fatta per uomini, cioè il libro sull'istruzione culturale, in cui vengono spiegati anche i dolci. E' stato pubblicato contemporaneamente anche "Onna Chohoki" per donne. Erano libri di successo.


Vegitable Masterbation

essential Biographies (104) Finger

William Shakespeare during the lost years (1585-1592), did not write anything. He was too busy to synchronize the washing machine, water heater, dryer and dishwasher with a new plan for intelligent consumption of electricity. But every time he forgot the hair dryer.

Telecharger 3d Apartment Extreme

George Washington, come un po' tutti i padri della patria, più o meno d'ogni patria, era uno che scriveva spesso e male, anche se non così male come, per esempio, il collega Benjamin Franklin (si veda il pessimo Consigli per diventare ricchi - Hints To Become Rich , Ibis 2010) o, ancor peggio, il nostro Giuseppe Garibaldi, grafomane carico di velleità letterarie da fare quasi spavento (provate a leggere il romanzo Cantoni il volontario , se ci riuscite). E tuttavia, all'età di tredici anni, il piccolo George compilò ben centodieci Regole di civiltà e di comportamento decoroso , ricopiando alcune delle regole compilate nel 1618 da un certo gesuita francese e inventandosene alcune di sana pianta. Si dice che le Regole di civiltà e di comportamento decoroso di Washington fossero diventate uno dei documenti fondativi della società americana post-rivoluzionaria, e alcune di esse son davvero interessanti e ben pensate, come:
2° Quando siete in compagnia, non portate le mani su parti del corpo che di solito non sono messe in mostra.
5° Se tossite, starnutite, sospirate o sbadigliate non fatelo sguaiatamente [...] e non parlate quando state sbadigliando.
9° Non sputate sul fuoco del camino [...], inoltre do not place your feet on the edge of the fireplace, especially if the food is cooking over there.
11 ° Do not keep changing position in the presence of others and not rosicchiatevi nails.
12 ° [...] Do not splash your face with your saliva of anyone getting too close while talking.
13 ° in the presence of others, not crushed insects, fleas and lice, if you see any filth or thick spittle, cover it with dexterity and if one foot is on the dress of your partner, take it in private, but if the dirt is on your clothes, give thanks who takes it from there.
90 ° When you are sitting at the table, not scratched and do not spit or blow your nose and cough.
92 ° [...] do not cut the bread with a greasy knife.
94 ° If usatene sauce dip the bread in a piece that you can put in your mouth at once, do not blow on the soup at the table.
or: 95 °
Do not bring food to the mouth with a knife in his hand, or spit the seeds of any fruit tart, but put them on a plate.
100 ° not clean your teeth with the tablecloth, napkin, fork or knife.
totally missing in the list, the rules relating to sanitation, and that seems really strange, especially for an era in which the paper should be prepared for use did not exist, was introduced in the United States almost a century later.

I would like to integrate one hundred and ten rules of civility and decent behavior of George Washington with a maximum centoundicesima fundamental insegnatami almost immediately, about six years ago by the father, the old malvissuto, soon became my stepfather. The maximum in question, to be applied, where appropriate, in the absence of toilet paper in quantities suitable for the purpose or in the presence of specific drives, perversions of the individual or personal frivolities, reads something like this: Who
with the finger the culture is clear,
quickly puts it in his mouth, it will remain clean

wall, ass, paper and finger.

Polaroid Instant Camera Walmart

essential Biographies (103)

Fyodor Dostoyevsky said that in future he would have written half of humanity and the other half would read what was written. But he never imagined that within a click would reverse the roles indefinitely.

Northface Outlet, New Jersey

Obento Pokemon

E' uscito il libro sulle ricette per obento per i bambini dalla casa publisher Shogakukan.
Obento is a typical boxed lunch prepared at home for the children of the school and also for the workers.
The recipes in this book are based on the instructions of the Ministries of Health and Agriculture. Besides the daily lunches, there are recipes for various school events and some party.

The book costs 1890 yen (€ circa17), also included is the box drawn with obento Pokemon.

source: the (Japanese)

a blog of a mom on obento for children


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dune Buggy Frame Measurements

essential Biographies (102) Biographies

Frederick Dewey Smith is Gone Again.

Hamsters Christmas Wrapping Paper

essential (101)

Robert Mapplethorpe, who took pornography nell'arte e l'arte dentro di sé, morì di scatto.

Increasing Muscle Percentage

The souls of the spring 2011

I took the picture on the souls that will be aired in April.
The data of 21 February.

I know almost nothing. Just seems interesting "Hyouge-mono". It 's a manga by Yoshihiro Yamada published in the magazine Morning. It 's the story based on Furuta Oribe, a daimyo existing and a master of tea ceremony.


American Lockcombination Recovery

"Drinkin 'Boys" by DJ Ozumi

Since I've laughed so much, I put this video. I tell you beforehand that it is not recommended for those who do not want to see the male nude.

The music is "Drinkin'Boys", originally sung by the group in the eighties NEW ROTEKA.
In December 2008, was to cover the last DJ gig Ozumi. After this came out
viddeo. It says "fan nude dancing, but the video is official. The dancers are employees of DJ Ozumi.

The dance and song of the last concert:

I remembered "Yatta!" Happatai of 2001.


Yatta! in concert with the translation is not perfect:

Part of the hilarious show "Warau Inu no Bouken" and the song "Yatta!" sung in the various countries with subtitle:


Friday, February 25, 2011

Twilight Printable Birthday Cards

Cicatrici: Don't Feed The Seagull AKA se ti fai male le prendi

[Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo la cicatrice di Massimiliano Calamelli , conosciuto come mc e come mcalamelli ]

( Posizione )
Ginocchio sinistro.

( Cause )
Quella frase, la parte che segue AKA intendo, ha accompagnato tutta la mia infanzia e buona parte della pubertà, senza però trasformarsi in realtà; ho dovuto attendere il 2003 per coglierne realmente il senso.

Dunque 2003, un pomeriggio di luglio, esterno giorno, spiaggia.

“Ci facciamo una nuotata fino the rocks? "
" Come on, now that I Strinato, and the one that are in the sun. "

Sciaff, sciaff, sciaff, sciaff, sciaff.

"We go up?"
"No, go back."
"Come on, I get a second, I dive, and come back."
"That two balls."

Salgo, clinging to a rock, trying not to put her feet on the mussels. I can not.

"You did?"
"Ugh, a second, while I climbed. I am looking for a good dive and destination. Uh, hello gull! "
" You okay, I go ... Cosa.Cazzo.Stai.Facendo. "
"Come on, try a mussel a bit 'big, I want to see if the seagull eats it."
"I want to go down, come on. And look at not falling, you know how it works, right? "
" I know, I know, if I get hurt then take it. "

glimpse the mussel the right size, feet rest on a rock that emerges, imagining to have the paws of a gecko. I reach the clashes, the tear away and pull the stone to break the shell. The pick, I remove most of the shell broken, loading arm to launch the clamshell ex-cicciolotto the seagull.


"No, fuck, no ... Ouch!

I fall on one knee rock above the barnacles and mussels. The first tear and I do not break, the second break and cut me.

"You're a jerk! Holy shit! I told you, diobono, what the fuck are you going to do them? "
" Come on, no, I'm fine, and now coming back to shore "

Sea water, salt, burning. Much.

Sciaff, sciaff, pause, sciaff, pause, sciaff, pause, sciaff.

come ashore and when the left knee out of the water surface we see that Dripped Blood. And walking is difficult. Not to mention the scooter go, We go the helmets and head towards the emergency room, with the footrest Havana which grew slowly in spots. After a while, 'after a while,' speaks to me and tells me a lot of bad words, and I can not even punch him in the back.
And here, the lighting, the full meaning of the phrase that finally appears to my eyes.

"Are you hurt, now you also take. I promised you. "

( Consequences )
I swear, it gave me almost more annoying that phrase that the cleaning of the wound from the pieces of mussel and points after.
And you see that day was the lighting, because we have moved from his parents and after the description of the event, watching his mother in the face, it became clear to me the meaning the word "Patacca.

of Massimiliano Calamelli

Tibia Map 7.6 Illusion

Yokohama Minatomirai

so long, I do not go to Yokohama. When I went there, it was always by train. Looking

the video, I am reminded of the desire to visit with the machine. Then I have to ask someone to take me.

Minatom and the coastal area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Yokohama.
There seems strange that runs to the left, right?


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Leica Minilux 35mm Camera

Schegge di Liberazione: Esempi d'autore - "Preoccupati dei Vivi"

In those years, for some the task was to pick up a gun and try to make a hole in my heart to all who passed by the Germans and the Fascists, possibly without leave the pens and without jeopardizing the family, the farmers, the country.
this account, always, for some most of all, most of the family, work, school. Up to that school, Homer and his companions went over there. The rumor was that the Social Republic preceptive those years of military and wanted them all in the National Guard. But they did not want us to go with Fascists. The professor had pulled out a topographical map of the Apennines, military stuff, had somehow, and said: "Stones, Tiles, you train at home is better than not going back. Go to da Serra, look: this is the road, then to Mocogno, I know that there are already groups organized, there are more of my students, good kids, communists. Go, tell it sends you to Garibaldi. "
" But we do not know if we are a professor Communists were "naively replied. "We are in the clandestine committee, but they are all equal, communists, socialists, Democrats ..."
"Gentlemen do not care, go to tell you, that time shaking, then you will what you are saying, but if you're here ... Now is a moment that we must choose whether to stay with or against the fascists, that's all. "
" Against, we are against, "they cried together.
And then away in the Apennines, on a walk with the folder and inside the books of valuation, surveying and mathematics. so on without saying anything to anybody, like thieves, bandits, with good shoes, jacket and tie, pants with the crease. And for what?
"At least there's you Nicole, we are at least two of the country. However, the Marta is a shot of vaccacane, I miss her already crazy, but the fascists will pay for this! "
" You've got Marta, you're lucky, thou hast a thought that keeps you company. I rather think that a gun I've never taken care of. "
" They say they are training up in the mountains, we learned trigonometry, we will learn that too. "
" There is no mica Omer joke so much, the fact is that if you use a gun to a target in the center is like being at the fair, but then when it comes to shoot a Christian ... "
" You say we do it? " Homer had replied, as abruptly awakened from a dream.
"I do not know, but should prepare for the worst" era stata la risposta di Nicola.

(Andrea Moretti, Preoccupati dei Vivi , Gingko edizioni, 2009, pp. 47 - 48 )

Vi ricordiamo che avete ancora altri 19 ( diciannove ) giorni per partecipare a Schegge di Liberazione 2011 . Barabba dice 26 X 1, di nuovo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do You Get Rid Of Tophi Of Your Knee

The shinkansen 951

Kunitachi station I went to see a car of Shinkansen.

The car is exhibited outside the town hall Hikari Plaza, 5 minutes from the station. This is one of the cars made specifically for the tests. It's called the 951 set in 1969. In February 1972, shortly before the inauguration of San'yo Shinkansen, has traveled from Himeji to Nishi-Akashi with the speed of 286 km.

The 951

The cock-pit wagon

The interior of the 951.
There was only a child.

Kunitachi To reach the station, it takes about 40 minutes from Shinjuku station. Compared to
railway museum in Omiya and the subway, not worth visiting, because there is only one car to see, even if it is free from it.
A me era comodo perché stavo andando a Hino, semplicemente sono passata a Kunitachi prima di arrivarci.

Vicino all'esibizione, si vede un ufficio grande. E' del Testudo Soken che fa le ricerche e gli esperimenti sulle ferrovie.
La ricerca sui primi treni di shinakansen è stata fatta qui. Ovviamente non si può entrare tranne gli impiegati.

Però, dicono che ogni ottobre l'ufficio viene aperto al pubblico per la festa. Si possono vedere esibizioni dei nuovi treni e varie simulazioni della sicurezza. Questo sarà interessante.

Il sito di Railway Technical Research Institute, detto "Tetsudo Soken": Article

event of 2008, a Japanese blog:

Testudo Soken is here :

This area is called Hikari-cho, commemorating the name of the first shinkansen trains.


Deagle Airsoft Canada

Campagna acquisti (lo straniero)

È con piacere internazionalista che diamo il benvenuto tra le fila dei barabbisti all'emigrata Byron . Di seguito la sua biografia essenziale:

Byron è una donna che ama il baseball in un paese dove l'unico bat & ball game riconosciuto è il cricket. Quando not digress to post JunkiePop and tumblr , teaches film and literature in college, and read the Russian classics.

Now we all say together: "hello Byron."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ski Doo Tundra For Sale 09

Hino and Natsume Yujincho

I visited Hino, the birthplace of Toshizo Hijikata.

Toshizo Hijikata

from Tachikawa Station, take the monorail train. Get off at Manganji.

The view from the monorail station Manganji

Sekidenji Before I visit the Buddhist temple, where is the tomb of Toshizo Hijikata.

Entry of Sekidenji

I can not photograph the big tree.

Toshizo Hijikata's tomb.
here is not his body.
E 'was buried at Hakodate in Hokkaido, immediately after his death.
Non si sa però esattamente dove è. 

Qualcuno, probabilmente una ragazza ha lasciato una lettera per il defunto sulla sua tomba. 

Un gatto nero e le tombe del villaggio.
Aldilà ci sono le tombe degli abitanti di questa zona.
Visto che molte famiglie Hijikata abitano qua vicino, 
anche sulle tombe si vede "Hijikata". 

Un tempietto con le volpe dentro il tempio

Cammino alla casa dove Hijikata Toshizo è cresciuto.
La casa attuale è moderna. Abitano i suoi discendenti, praticamente i discendenti di un fratello maggiore di Toshizo. Un paio di volte al mese una parte della casa è aperta al pubblico. Si possono vedere gli oggetti, le katana e le lettere, lasciati da Hijikata Toshizo. Ma non è consentito fare le foto all'interno della casa.

La casa di Hijikata Toshizo

La spiegazione dice che Toshizo è nato 300 metri lontano da questa casa. Quando Toshizo aveva 12 anni, per l'alluvione del fiume Tamagawa, hanno spostato le macerie qui per ricostruire la casa.     

I bambù che Toshizo ha seminato

Tra gli oggetti esibiti c'è anche la sua katana, Izuminokami Kanesada, ma solo il fodero. La lama è esposta al pubblico solo per un mese all'anno, in aprile più o meno al compleanno di Toshizo.

Ci sono le katana di legno che hanno lo stesso peso della sua katana vera e il suo bokken esibiti dentro la casa. Si può prenderle. Sono molto pesanti. Sembrano impossibili da manovrare.    

go to another place, the birthplace of Genzaburo Inoue, a colleague of Toshizo Hijikata, and the captain of the sixth Shinsengumi troops. (The captain is the first Soji Okita, Hajime Saito is the third.)
Even this is not always open. It was opened on the same day the House of Toshizo, so I went there.

The symbol of the Shinsengumi, the character that reads "makoto".

E 'the house where live the descendants of Genzaburo Inoue. Photos are not allowed inside. The landlord told us the stories, showing the letters and objects.

Now step "honjin" Hino bus. "Honjin" is usually the home of the representatives of the peasants of the village, but when it's important the government should stay or other countries, used it, that we rest and we slept.

Honjin Hino was in the house of the brother of Toshizo Hijikata, ie Hikogoro Sato, who is the husband of the elder sister of Toshizo.

The entrance to the "honjin" and the house of Sato Hikogoro

The main building


A room

A door

Sato was Hikogoro a pupil of Shusuke Kondo, Kondo Isami's father and school teacher Tennen Rishinryuu.
Sato Hikogoro built a dojo (gym for martial arts) for other students by modifying a part of his house. Leading members of Shinsengumi practiced there.
Sato Hikogoro could not participate as a member of Shinsengumi, because he was the master of the family, but helped ognitanto Shinsengumi, especially economically. Unfortunately, the dojo has burned the fire of 1926. Now it's gone.

honjin Today, there are always volunteers to explain. All are older, probably retired, but they are very good.

A municipal library Hino,
found on the road to the station Hino.

The gutter in the city of Hino,
designed with two kingfisher, bird City

A cat sunbathing
