Cicatrici: Don't Feed The Seagull AKA se ti fai male le prendi
[Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo la cicatrice di Massimiliano Calamelli , conosciuto come mc e come mcalamelli ]
( Posizione )
Ginocchio sinistro.
( Cause )
Quella frase, la parte che segue AKA intendo, ha accompagnato tutta la mia infanzia e buona parte della pubertà, senza però trasformarsi in realtà; ho dovuto attendere il 2003 per coglierne realmente il senso.
Dunque 2003, un pomeriggio di luglio, esterno giorno, spiaggia.
“Ci facciamo una nuotata fino the rocks? "
" Come on, now that I Strinato, and the one that are in the sun. "
Sciaff, sciaff, sciaff, sciaff, sciaff.
"We go up?"
"No, go back."
"Come on, I get a second, I dive, and come back."
"That two balls."
Salgo, clinging to a rock, trying not to put her feet on the mussels. I can not.
"You did?"
"Ugh, a second, while I climbed. I am looking for a good dive and destination. Uh, hello gull! "
" You okay, I go ... Cosa.Cazzo.Stai.Facendo. "
"Come on, try a mussel a bit 'big, I want to see if the seagull eats it."
"I want to go down, come on. And look at not falling, you know how it works, right? "
" I know, I know, if I get hurt then take it. "
glimpse the mussel the right size, feet rest on a rock that emerges, imagining to have the paws of a gecko. I reach the clashes, the tear away and pull the stone to break the shell. The pick, I remove most of the shell broken, loading arm to launch the clamshell ex-cicciolotto the seagull.
"No, fuck, no ... Ouch!
I fall on one knee rock above the barnacles and mussels. The first tear and I do not break, the second break and cut me.
"You're a jerk! Holy shit! I told you, diobono, what the fuck are you going to do them? "
" Come on, no, I'm fine, and now coming back to shore "
Sea water, salt, burning. Much.
Sciaff, sciaff, pause, sciaff, pause, sciaff, pause, sciaff.
come ashore and when the left knee out of the water surface we see that Dripped Blood. And walking is difficult. Not to mention the scooter go, We go the helmets and head towards the emergency room, with the footrest Havana which grew slowly in spots. After a while, 'after a while,' speaks to me and tells me a lot of bad words, and I can not even punch him in the back.
And here, the lighting, the full meaning of the phrase that finally appears to my eyes.
"Are you hurt, now you also take. I promised you. "
( Consequences )
I swear, it gave me almost more annoying that phrase that the cleaning of the wound from the pieces of mussel and points after.
And you see that day was the lighting, because we have moved from his parents and after the description of the event, watching his mother in the face, it became clear to me the meaning the word "Patacca.
of Massimiliano Calamelli
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