Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stick Polystyrene To Metal

Cicatrici: Posso piangere?

[new section a little pulp]

( Location )
right elbow.

( Cause )
Today I am going to do their own training, I told myself that day. Those were times when I was fourteen or fifteen years, you could get up and go for training alone, the parents were assured the same. Today I am going to do their own training, forty miles, I'm going to Pegognaga and come back, come on, ho pensato. E così, allacciato il caschetto, riempita la borraccia, agganciati i piedi ai pedali, via, a Pegognaga.

È stata proprio quella curva stronza di Bondeno, quella che facevamo sempre quando ci allenavamo con tutta la squadra, quella curva che potevi prendere ai trentacinque all'ora e andava bene lo stesso, di solito, bastava tenere alzato il pedale destro, piegarsi un po'. È stata ancor di più quella ghiaina stupida che si forma sull'asfalto dopo la pioggia, è stata lei che mi ha fatto slittare la ruota e finire col culo per terra. E prima del culo, il primo istinto è quello di mollare il manubrio e buttare le mani a terra, e le mani son scivolate sulla ghiaina stupida, e la ghiaina stupida, a un certo point, I was rubbing his elbow, to twenty-five per hour. The skin was like when you scratch off the parmesan over pasta.

When the tumble is over, when everything is back in silence, his head has stopped screaming, I'm breathing, I look at the elbow, you see the bone, the flesh was all taken away from the gravel stupid that still hangs together with the skin and blood flowing like a tap. Vaccaboia, I thought, my house is ten kilometers from here. There was not cell phones in 1994.

Bon, I go home, I decided. I am pulled up, I straightened the wheel of the bike, which is still a bit 'imbarlata, as they say in, I climbed on the saddle and, with one hand and lifted his wounded arm in the air, I came back home. Really. I let the droplets every two to three meters on the road for ten miles.

came to the door, Novi di Modena, in my house, I rang the bell.

Mom, I fell, I hurt, I go to? My mother opens and while running down the stairs. Without thinking, take me, so, dressed as a biker, and takes me to the emergency room. I am quiet zittissimo, drive up to Carpi, we go to the emergency room and tell me that the points can not give them to me because the wound is too large, it lacks the meat to grow, it will take time. I clean my elbow, meanwhile, burns and a casino, with the blow, the bone in the wind, the disinfectant and all that, and I throw away the stones that are stuck in the flesh. I throw them all away.

No, leave him one there, if you forget. I realize a month later while I'm doing the wraps Amuchina: I see something that looks like a crust, take it off, I think, I go under the nail and comes out with a rock. Idiot of a nurse.

( Consequences )
Today, if I look at it, my right elbow, there is the whole skin as smooth as the rest of the arm, a bit 'where there is wrinkled due to go to regrow to cover the hole. And there is a black dot, the skin is very dark and unnatural there dove c'era il sasso dimenticato. Se la tocco, quella zona di pelle liscia col puntino nero, mi viene in mente che son caduto, mi sono sbrindellato la carne sulla ghiaia tanto che si vedeva l'osso, ho fatto dieci chilometri da solo, sanguinante, sono andato al pronto soccorso, mi son fatto medicare, disinfettare e bendare e non ho mai fatto una piega.

Solo al ritorno dall'ospedale, la stessa sera, ancora in macchina, mi son girato verso mia madre al volante, l'ho guardata un po' e poi son tornato a guardare la strada. Mamma, le ho detto, Mamma, posso piangere adesso?


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