A tavola con Tiziano Fiorveluti: Risotto ai colori dell’Africa
I colori dell’Africa son tre: il giallo delle risorse minerarie, il rosso del sangue versato per la libertà, il verde of forests.
Put to boil water with bouillon cubes. Make it a lot. If it moves, you'll know what to do tomorrow. Buy two very proletarian red peppers, remove the internal thread, blanch a little 'lift up the skin and helping with a boxcutter. Cut into small pieces. The red is done.
Sauté shallots, toasted rice and then add broth and cook as you would for a normal risotto. Add the peppers after the first shoveler stock. When the rice is cooked for a moment before creaming (butter and cheese), cut into small pieces SEVERAL chives. Green is done.
not I tell you to buy a packet of saffron every two commensali? Avreste dovuto immaginarlo. Il giallo è fatto.
Quando il riso sta per cuocere, buttate lo zafferano e mescolate. Alla fine buttate dentro l’erba cipollina e mescolate di nuovo.
Alla salute di Marcus Garvey, signore e signori.
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